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Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

I don’t spend a lot of time watching TV series (maybe 5 episodes max each week) and yet I had trouble only listing 10 TV shows. I decided to only list the ones I’m currently watching and not favorites like Gilmore Girls and Friends which ended a long time ago. If you want to know what other shows (and movies) I watch you can check out my profile on!


Hands-down my absolute favorite TV show! It’s about time AND space travel, has the BEST characters ever, often mind blowing stories and is funny. My favorite is Eleven by the way but I also love Ten of course! My favorite female character: River Song! SPOILERS! ;) Serial killers are the most interesting characters out there in my opinion. Hannibal is definitely the best one out there! Shocking, bloody, brutal and just damn brilliant! And the food. I always get hungry watching that show. It always looks so delicious! :D I still haven’t processed what happened in the finale of the last season. Bryan Fuller, you are mean!
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Criminal Minds used to be my absolute favorite. The first seasons were AWESOME. Thrilling stories about the worst serial killers and it was interesting to see how the profilers knew how the murderers think and found them. Sadly the last few seasons weren’t as good anymore. You already know right from the start who the killer is and the killers themselves are a lot less interesting than they used to be. At least the characters are still awesome and it still kills me when cases get personal.

This show is HILARIOUS! Even though it’s about the Headless Horseman, the apocalypse and a lot of people get killed. Ichabod Crane in modern Sleepy Hollow is just too funny. He always makes me laugh out loud when learning about new things like cell phones, guns and Starbucks.

All those spooky things are awesome too though!

And I love the character Henry. Mostly because it’s John Noble and the character reminds me so much of Walter from Fringe :D



One might think that when having read the books you are prepared for this show. Ha! Haha! HAHAHA! NOPE!

Okay, I already forgot a lot of details from the books but they also change a lot. And OMG! Oberyn Martell! I watched that scene three times and still couldn’t believe my eyes. IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?

Also: dragons! It so much fun to see them. I wish they would play a bigger role in the show.

The second season wasn’t as good as the first one anymore but the first one was mind blowing. It felt like every single person was a Follower! So many plot twists!

Other things I like about the show: Put Joe and Ryan in one room together and they make me laugh out loud when they start talking. And I’m sure Ryan is secretly Superman!

What I don’t like: Too many brunettes. I have a hard time telling them all apart! :D

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If you love Gilmore Girls you need to watch this show! It’s not the same, but Lauren Graham plays a single mom again! I LOVE this show. This big family is so lovely and always reminds me of my own.

It also always make me cry, either because everyone is so happy or because something really sad happened. There is no in between.

Too bad the next season is going to be the last one :(

 Stiles, Issac and Derek. Nuff said!

Retellings of all the fairytales <3
It is so much fun to see how all these fairytale characters got their place in our modern world but that we also get to see their original story. All these conections which make it one epic fairytale.

Also: hot,guyliner Hook! :D

Kind of like OUAT but with all the dark characters: Vampires, Van Helsing, Frankenstein + Monster, Dorian Gray,…

I was surprised how bloody and violent this is! The first season only had a few episodes but most of them are really good!

And I’ve never seen someone play a possessed person as good as Eva Green. She is awesome!


Do you watch any of these shows? What TV shows do you watch?

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    I love Game of Thrones! It’s so crappy that we only get 10 episodes a year! My boyfriend and I like to wait until they are all aired and then binge-watch them online! I can’t handle cliffhangers. I’m so glad a certain person is dead, too. HA!
    I’m almoooost caught up with Doctor Who! I have season 7 to finish and then a new season next month, weee! I loved the plot with eleven, Amy, Rory and River – so awesome! Ten is probably my favorite doctor though. There’s just something about David Tennant!
    And it has been so so long since I’ve watched OUAT, but I saw they brought the Frozen characters into the show, so I’m really interested to see what that’s all about! I need to start re-watching it :)

  • Parenthood is one of the most underrated TV shows ever. It’s so so good!

    • True! I hope Lauren Graham will be part of another family-centered series after this one :D

  • Game of thrones: THAT SCENE. Horrible. I’m scarred for life, haha. I absolutely love the show :) I’m trying to keep up with the books now.
    Once upon a time: yeaaay <3 Are you also on the Captain Swan team?
    I've been keeping an eye on Penny Dreadful and you make it sound amazing, that will something I'm going to enjoy. I put it on my must-see-soon-list.
    I've watched my first Doctor Who episode yesterday! Can't wait to finally see what this is all about. Hannibal looks terrifying, but I'm interested too. I like Sleepy Hollow.

      It's too bad Penny Dreadful only has a few episodes. I hope season 2 gets more.

      • GOOD.

        I liked it. It was a bit weird and I don’t really get what is going on so far, haha, but I will try out some more episodes and perhaps read some information on Wikipedia.

  • I’m watching Once Upon a Time (the last episode OHMYSWEETGOD) and Teen Wolf. And, like you, I don’t watch many episodes but maybe 10 per weeks though. Right now, I’m mostly watching Charmed because, can you believe it? I’ve never seen that series! :O Have you watched Beauty and The Beast or is it not your thing?
    Have a nice day! :D

    Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    • OMG, Charmed! I loved that show!
      I haven’t watched Beauty and the Beast. I never heard of it before actually.

  • Ich glaube Game of Thrones taucht zur Zeit bei jedem Buchblogger auf der Liste auf xD Selbst Ric konnten wir ja überzeugen, wobei ich glaub die traut sich nicht mehr weiter zu schauen. Ansonsten kenne ich auch fast alle von dir genannten Serien und gucke sie auch gerne, wobei ich bei Hannibal eine Pause gemacht habe, da es für mich eher eine Serie ist die ich total gerne im Herbst/Winter schaue, deswegen hab ich die zweite Staffel noch nicht geschaut. Criminal Minds geht aber immer! Auch wenn du recht hast und die Fälle leider irgendwie immer weniger spannend werden oder viel mehr weniger skandalöser.

  • “Nuff said” JAAAAA <3<3<3<3<3<3


    I’m halfway through Penny Dreadful and I’m looooving it. SO GOOD.

Jul 15, 2014