(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)
I love making a list of goals/resolutions each year even though I know from the start that I’ll fail spectacularly! I make them anyway just because I like making lists and I won’t give up hope that I’ll accomplish some of the goals.
Blogging goals:
- Comment more
I already had this on my list year and I actually commented more, at least at the beginning of the year. Then came my blogging slump and I nearly left no comments at all. I already started to comment more again but I want to get better still.
- Discover new blogs
I already follow a ton of blogs but I like finding new ones and connecting with new book bloggers.
- Schedule more/plan more in advance
I’m already working on this one. I just want to be prepared for times when I don’t have a lot of time for blogging. I don’t want my blog to be all quiet during those times.
- Improve my NG ratio
This is actually pretty hard because I requested so many books when I started, books which I don’t feel like reading anymore but we’ll see.
- Be more careful with what books I get from Edelweiss
I tend to download a lot of books without really thinking about it and often ended up reading books I didn’t like. I’m usually pretty good at choosing books for me, I just need to stop clicking that download button so quick.
- Review more books
Thanks to my long blogging slump I mostly reviewed the books I actually got for review but I want to do better next year and review more of the books which I read for myself.
Reading goals:
- Finish two series for every series I start
This is going to be a real challenge but I already made a long list of series I could finish in 2015. I hope that helps.
- Binge-read more series
I love reading a whole series within days, one book right after the other and I already picked out a few I want to read in 2015
- Reduce my TBR
Same procedure as every year…
- Reread at least one book each month
Did you set yourself some goals too? If so which ones?
I like your resolutions, and I can say “same” about a lot of them.
My resolution will be to actually turn my blog into an active blog that is interesting to read (it is not right now), to read a bit more, to explore a new big-city library, and to get back in touch with the book blogging “scene”.
“get back in touch with the book blogging “scene”” is a good one! There are so many awesome people out there and they make the best of friends!
Captain Cow
Vor allem bei den Posts planen kann ich nur ganz stark nicken. Hatte dieses Jahr ja auch einige Phasen, in denen ich keine Lust oder Zeit zum Bloggen hatte, für diese Durststrecken wenigstens ein bisschen was vorzubereiten, wäre schon nicht schlecht.
Ich wünsche dir ein schönes und interessantes und lesereiches Buch- und Bloggerjahr 2015 :)
Genau! Muss ja auch nicht sonderlich viel sein, aber einfach um den Blog nicht so verfallen zu lassen in der Zeit und sich gar nicht mehr zu melden! :)
Danke, dir auch! :)
I also have a few series to finish…Like SHATTER ME, which I really enjoyed but then totally forgot to keep on reading when the second one came out. Doh!
Great goals, cheering you on for 2015!
Haha, that is one of the series I need to finish too! I was waiting for the last book to come out in PB :D
Miss Bookiverse
Ha, das mit den Posts vorausplanen, hab ich mir total abgewöhnt. Hab das auch mal ne Weile versucht, aber irgendwann gemerkt, dass es mir total die Lust nimmt einen Post nach dem anderen vorzubereiten und wenn ich ihn dann irgendwann mal poste, interessiert mich der Inhalt schon gar nicht mehr so richtig. Inzwischen mag ich’s lieber, was direkt vorzubereiten, zu veröffentlichen und dann Feedback dazu zu bekommen. Aber das läuft natürlich bei jedem anders im Kopf ;)
Stimmt, da ist wohl jeder anders. Ich hab vor kurzem schon angefangen zu planen und war so motiviert wie lange nicht mehr :D
Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll)
Fun goals! I’m in the middle of binge-reading the last three J.D. Robb books and it’s so enjoyable.
Sana // artsy musings of a bibliophile
I’m with you on improving my NG ratio because there’re so many I don’t feel like reading anymore sigh.
I was also commenting on at least one blog per day but then I stopped and then blogging slump happened so this is the first time in weeks that I’m visiting blogs. I miss it so much.
Yes to binge-reading series! I binge-read two or three series this year and enjoyed it so much.
I should set myself a goal with a number of comments/day too! I always just say that I want to comment more :D
Rosie // Rosie Reads
Good goals, Crini! I’ve been horrible at commenting – I’m going to improve on that as well! And I’m challenging myself to read all of the NetGalley books I’ve collected (which is like 20…I get a little carried away XD) so I can improve my ratio! And of course, I need to bring my TBR down a tad…I think I’ve reached over 770…. *winces*
Haham I think I have at least 20, maybe even more (at least some of them aren’t out yet and don’t make me feel bad)!
Wow, 770!? I’ve been stuck around 200 for 2 years now :D
Being more careful with all the books I get from Edelweiss is also something I hope to achieve. I must stop with the whole greedy thing when I see all the download buttons, haha. I also want to binge-read more series and finish a lot of series I already started. Good luck :D !
We just need to motivate each other and keep us from downloading so many books :D
Good luck you too!
I must say, I saw the netgalley/edelweiss goal on so many bloggers lists last. When I finally managed to convince myself to join, I learned from the mistakes of overeager bloggers and limited myself to no more than five requests/pending reviews at any given time. I can see how it could get out of control very easily.
“Finish two series for everyone series I start.” – I think I am going to steal this one, it’s a great idea. Though I may have to modify it to get caught up on two series for everyone one I start because I have quite a few in progress ones.
I wish I had started using NG/EW later like you and hadn’t made that mistake :D 5 is a great limit!
I’ve also many series that aren’t finished. But my number of series overall is THAT big, that I can easily finish a lot too :D
Lisa @ Captivated Reader
Nice goals for 2015!! Here’s a link to my TTT for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2014/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten.html
Amber @ Books of Amber
You already know that I want to comment more this year. Let’s take on this challenge together! XD I did really well at the beginning of last year, and then it all fell apart. I need to come up with some sort of strategy.
I want to binge-read more series too because it’s the best feeling ever. Until you finish the series and it ruins your life (*glares at Vin and Kelsier).
We should actually count our comments and start a battle! :P
Amber @ Books of Amber
Bethlynn Dolle
We share a lot of the same resolutions. One of the things I lacked last year was I didn’t post very much on other blogs and realized blogging is pretty lonely that way. I wish you the best of luck with your resolutions and reading challenges. Especially the “binge-read more series”, I find series to be overwhelming because I have to read them this way or I forget what happened. Happy Blogging!!!
Thank you!
Right! That’s why I want to binge-read more series. I usually try to reread because I forget too much, but there are just too many series to do that for each one.