All About Books

Burn Rewrite Reread Tag

“Yes Sana, I want to do this tag. Yes, please tag me. Yes, favorites only please.” I hate myself right now.  Who even makes up a tag that makes you decide which of your favorite books you want to burn? Ok, admittedly it is kind of fun and Sana could have given me even worse options, at least for the first round, but still. I’m just going to pretend this never happened.

Round 1:tag_brr1


I’m really sorry for this but I have to burn Tell The Wolves I’m Home. I love this book and it made me cry like a baby but it has to be one of the three and I just can’t burn any of the other two.


I didn’t want to burn RPO and reread was already taken by Vicious, so rewriting it is. I’m not really sure what I want to rewrite though because I love RPO the way it is. Maybe tune down Wade’s obsession with Art3mis a bit, because it was somewhat creepy (even though I totally understand it because Art3mis is awesome).


There is a reason why this book is on my “read-again-soon-and-often” shelf. It’s one of those books that I reread once a year because the story never gets old and I love Victor Vale so much.

Round 2:


When I first saw these, I was like “Oh, that’s easy. I want to rewrite the ending of The Final Empire and then I…. oh”. NO WAY AM I BURNING MOM OR BLLB! That was the point when I seriously started to question my decision to do this tag.


Well, it had to be one of the three so The Final Empire it is. I just can’t burn any of the other two. I’m sorry Kel, I love you, but I’ll burn this one so that I can pretend that thing you did at the end never happened.


I dunno, I love BLLB, but if I have to choose between MoM and BLLB, it’s BLLB that I want to rewrite. Maybe make it more of a Ronan Lynch book like TDT was because oh boy I would love to be in his head during certain Pynch scenes. (Thanks for not choosing TDT Sana!)


MONSTERS OF MEN, FOREVER AND ALWAYS! This book owns my soul, it’s fucking perfect and there is no chance in hell that I’m gonna burn or rewrite it.


I’m gonna cry over those poor books that got burned now.

I tag Sebastian and Ellie.

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  • Love this tag! I actually did this as well not too long ago. Tell the wolves I’m home was SO GOOD, but I get it: something had to go!

  • Hahaha I love this! I really like this tag because when someone’s forced to choose like this, it’s so easy to see which book is really a favorite.

    YASSS, VICIOUS FOR REREAD. Totally agree about Wade’s obsession with Art3mis being creepy, though.

    ‘ That was the point when I seriously started to question my decision to do this tag.’ – Hahahahaha

    I’ll forever hate the ending of The Finale Empire. Burn it, I say!

    Y’know for a moment there, I actually wanted to give you The Dream Thieves instead of Blue Lily, Lily Blue but, I wouldn’t have been able to bear it if you chose any other option for it except the reread one. So selfish of me, hmm.

    This was fun!

  • Jetzt wo ich das Konzept des Tags verstanden habe find ich das echt lustig :D

    Ich hab gerade auch richtig Lust meinen Beitrag zu schreiben und ich glaube ich weiß bei den meisten auch schon in welche Kategorie ich die packe, das läuft wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich über Ausschlussverfahren :D

    Ach ja, und dein Beitrag erinnert mich wieder mal daran dass ich ja immer noch “Tell the wolves I’m home” lesen wollte^^

  • I love this tag! I think re-writing BLLB was the right choice, because we can always use more Ronan Lynch. I’m a little sad about you burning Tell the Wolves I’m Home, though. That was such a great book.

  • I enjoyed reading this post just because it’s fun to watch someone suffer so much mentally with their decision, so good choices Sana! haha. But really, I can see how this is seriously tough. I am at least glad you decided to re-read Vicious and MoM – I agree with both of those. And while I haven’t (yet) read Blue Lily, Lily Blue or Tell The Wolves I’m Home, I agree with you on their outcomes as well. Really, I just agree with you on everything, which shouldn’t be shocking since we’re bookish soulmates. ;)

  • I looooove Patrick Ness and RPO, so I can only imagine how hard this was to do!! I keep seeing that the Of Monsters and Men is the best of the Chaos Walking trilogy.

  • You were really mean to yourself by only using favorites for this tag. I did this one recently, but I used my whole Read list (and it was still hard!)

Jul 09, 2015