(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)
This table I made to keep track of my series tells me that I’m currently reading 76 series. It wasn’t the easiest task to choose only ten out of those. There are a lot more I desperately want to finish, a lot of them aren’t even finished yet and I’m still waiting for a lot of books to come out.
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+ The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
Rick Yancey easily became one of my favorite authors last year. I finished his Monstrumologist series last year, loved it and was sad that it was over. I will get to read two more books in his 5th Wave series and I wish they would come out sooner. Alien invasion for the win! He is always able to bring something new to the YA genre.
+ The Diviners by Libba Bray
I already knew from publication dates of her Gemma Doyle series that this series would demand one great deal of patience (which I don’t have!). I loved the first book in the series so much that I read this chunk of a book within 24 hours. It’s obviously a good thing that she takes her time writing these books but I NEED THE SECOND BOOK NOW!
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+ BZRK by Michael Grant
This is one big mindf*ck! Seriously! This idea is so creepy and feels so real while reading! This is right up my alley but so detailed that I should probably reread the first two books before I finish it with the third book this year.
+ The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Maggie Stiefvater has a talent to create characters that are completely adorable and who won’t let me go until I know their whole story. I loved Grace and Sam’s story and even though it still a long time until we get to read the end of the Raven Boys’ story, I’m already sad when I think about saying goodbye to them too.
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+ The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson
One of a few series by Brandon Sanderson that blew my mind this year. He is a genius when it comes to worldbuiling. With this one he might actually get people interested in math! XD
+ Insignia by S.J. Kincaid
I’m so excited to read the conclusion to this series this year. This is such a funny and interesting series with great characters.
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+ Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
The last book should have come out 2013 and we’re still waiting and IT’S KILLING ME! I’m in desperate need of something swoon worthy from Noah!
+ Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Laini Taylor has the most beautiful writing and even though I didn’t like the end of DoSaB, I love this series a whole lot. Days of Blood and Starlight was amazing, Night of Cake and Puppets caused a lot of swooning and I’m dying to get my hands on the last book.
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+ The Age of Legends by Kelley Armstrong
Okay, the first book isn’t even out yet but I got to read it early and I LOVED IT! Kelley Armstrong writing epic fantasy is the best thing ever and I NEED MORE!
+ Dark Passages by Ilsa J. Bick
White Space was epic and I’m still confused and have no idea what was going on. I wish the next book would come out sooner so that I can finally find out.
Sandra @ Sandra's World of Books
I actually am reading the Daughter of Smoke and Bone right now, but I don’t really have patience enough to continue reading, so I think I’ll end up buying the book soon. I find it very difficult to read on kindle/ebook. I have heard about the others, but I haven’t really read any of them though. I started the Gemma Doyle series ( only read half of the first book), but I really enjoyed it!
Waiting for the last Mara Dyer book is slowly killing me.. :) I like your list a lot!
Here’s my TTT
Chrissi Reads
I absolutely love the Mara Dyer series. I can’t wait to see how it all ends.
OMG so many amazing series I haven’t read these yet too, Great list!
Here’s my TTT on kickass heroines: Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm
I’m looking forward to The Age of Legends. The Waiting is killing me, I desperately need a new epic fantasy read!
Pamela D
I enjoyed The Rithmatist too! It is geometry math magic! :)
So many of these are on my TBR list, but I hate starting series, loving them, and having to wait forever to finish them! I’d never heard of The Age of Legends or The Rithmatist though; I’ll have to look them up :)
Well, I should probably start a couple of these to begin with :D ! It’s just that I have already too many unfinished series. The only one of the series you mentioned that I have actually started is DoSaB. I loved the beginning so much but disliked the twist, so I haven’t even read the second one yet.
Reviews From A Bokworm
Great pick! I still haven’t even started ANY of these series, which is so shameful. Nice list :) My TTT.
Ach Diviners,…das Warten war ja klar, und lange dauerts ja jetzt nicht mehr. Aber bei mir steht dann noch der Reread vom ersten Teil an, ich hab bestimmt so viel vergessen XD Aber ist eh für die Lieblingsbücher Challenge eingeplant hehe. Nur ärgere ich mich immer noch über die Coveränderung T_T
Mara Dyer ist ja auch so ne Sache, glaube den 2. Teil lese ich nicht, bevor der 3. nicht endlich raus ist. Ich trau denen nicht mehr und dann wirds nur nochmal verschoben :<
Ich muss endlich Teil 2 von Laini Taylor lesen. Obwohl ich tatsächlich gern vorher ein Reread machen wollte, mir fehlen einfach zu viele Details aus dem ersten Band. Und was ist denn Night of Cake and Puppets??? Muss ich gleich mal gucken gehen…