All About Books

Top Ten Most Unique Books I’ve Read

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)


+ The Archived by Victoria Schwab: Unique worldbuilding, idea

+ Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor: Unique take on angels

+ The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith: Unique worldbuilding

+ Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Unique retelling (SciFi instead of Fantasy)


+ The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: Unique POV

+ Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: Unique worldbuilding

+ The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson: Unique worldbuilding

+ Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld: Unique worldbuilding and characters


+ The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson: Unique worldbuilding

+ Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan: Unique idea

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  • Das hätte mich jetzt auch schwer überrascht wenn “Ready Player One” nicht in der Liste aufgetaucht wäre… :D

    • Das war auch das allererste Buch das mir gleich in den Sinn dabei kam (danach Penumbra) :D

  • Oh no, so many of these are on my TBR list and now I’m just dying to start reading them all at once. :D The Rihtmatist, Ready Player One, The Archived, Cinde, and The Final Empire are on my to-be-read list. I’m so glad that seemed to liked them, though. Maybe I’ll love them too. :) Thanks for stopping by at my blog earlier!

  • Deb Nance

    We should have all put The Book Thief on our lists.

    Here’s my Most Unique Books.

  • I have Ready Player One on my list as well – such a great book, I definitely need to arrange a re-read soon.
    I’m dying to read The Archived and The Rithmatist!
    Great list – have a good day!

    • I’m thinking about rereading RPO too! I just wish my huge TBR wouldn’t be in the way :D

  • Great list! Yay for Brandon Sanderson and The Book Thief :) I really want to read Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore; I love novels involving bookstores and it sounds like something from the same vein as Christopher Morley’s The Haunted Bookshop :)

    Thanks for dropping by my TTT

    • I need to check out The Haunted Bookshop! I love books about books even though I don’t think there is any other book that’s like Penumbra :D

  • Penumbra war so klasse mit dieser Kombination aus alten Büchern und Bibliophilen und ganz modernem Technikkram ♥ Fand die Atmosphäre wirklich klasse und halte immer wieder Ausschau nach ähnlichen Sachen, aber bisher hab ich da noch nicht so viel entdeckt. Außer dieses “The Rabbit Back Literature Society” eventuell.

    • Ich warte auch die ganze Zeit drauf dass man mal was von einem neuen Buch von ihm hört. Ich hoffe er schreibt dann wieder sowas Besonderes.

  • This looks like a really excellent list. I have Leviathan and Daughter of Smoke and Bone on my TBR shelf and I put The Book Thief on my own list. I loved, loved, loved Ready Player One. I think I’m going to add Cinder to my TBR list as well now … Here’s mine.

  • I loved Ready Player One soooo much! That really is a unique book and one everyone should read. Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan is one book I keep hearing about and want to read soon!!

    • I’m so excited for his new book “Armada”! I hope it is just as good as RPO! I think I haven’t met a single person yet who didn’t like RPO which is awesome!

  • Oh man, I should have put Leviathan on my list. I don’t know why I didn’t because that world is so unique. And, even though I’ve not read as much as I want to of his, pretty much everything by Brandon Sanderson sounds unique. I know the books I’ve read of his sure are.

    • Which of his books have you read? My collection of his books is getting so big so fast. I only got the Mistborn books in December and since then have bought and read a lot of his other books.

      • I’ve only read three of his books, Elantris, (which really wasn’t for me) The Rithmatist and The Final Empire. I definitely want to read more of the Mistborn series – but I am waiting very impatiently for the next in The Rithmatist series because that’s my favorite book of his so far. I also really, really want to read Steelheart (sounds like such an interesting take on superheroes) and I am sure there’s more of his stuff I would like if I’d ever get to them. Any you’d recommend? (I will say, although I’m interested, I just don’t know about starting his Stormlight Archive series, as it looks like every book will be over a thousand pages long.)

  • Oh Gott, ich hab fast kaum eines der Bücher gelesen und fast alle befinden sich auf meiner Wunschliste. Ich muss wirklich langsam mal lernen Prioritäten zu setzen und nicht immer gleich nachdem erstbesten Buch greifen was mir entgegen fällt.

    • Genau das denke ich mir auch immer. Deshalb bin ich dieses Jahr auch beim Sub Abbau recht gut dabei. Weil ich endlich mal wirklich darüber nachdenke was ich mir so zulegen und nicht immer gleich alles kaufe was interessant klingt :D

  • I really need to read The Archived and Leviathan. I have both of them, but haven’t read them yet. Great list! :D

  • I have read Cinder and I agree it is VERY unique – I’ve added DS&B to my list as well! Here’s my TTT

  • Ich hatte erst schon Angst, dass ich nach dem Lesen deines Posts gleich mal Bücher kaufen gehen kann, aber zum Glück kenne ich einige davon schon ;) Und bei denen kann ich dir nur absolut zustimmen – das sind wirklich ganz besondere Bücher! Und die, die ich noch nicht kenne, werde ich mir trotzdem mal ansehen ;) Und von Brandon Sanderson habe ich sogar schon den ersten Band der Mistborn Reihe hier.

Apr 08, 2014