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Top Ten All Time Favorite Books

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

OMG, THIS IS HARD! Limiting it to the last 3 years doesn’t help me much because the kind of books I read changed drastically in 2011/12. So I pretty much read all my favorite books within the last 3 years. I just have to cheat on this one and list series instead of just single books. I feel bad already for the ones I don’t mention.



Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

Well, if you know me at all then you knew this would be on the list. Patrick Ness is my king, and this series my all time favorite and nothing will ever change this, not even the fact that my heart breaks into more pieces with each reread.

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

This series is everything and PYNCH THE OTP of all OTPs.



All the books by Victoria Schwab

(I’m going to count this as just one! :P) I really love them all. The Archived with Guyliner, because of its unique idea, A Darker Shade of Magic because of Londons,magic,Kell,Rhy,Lila,… and Vicious because of Victor, one of my favorite villains out there.
(I also liked The Near Witch a lot but wouldn’t call it a favorite)



Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

One of those series that ruined my life for which it became a favorite. 

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer is the queen of retellings and I absolutely adore these characters.



More Than This and A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

I pretty much love every single book by Patrick Ness because as I said… he is my king^^

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

The book with ALL the references, a super awesome setting and fun characters.

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta

I’ve never declared a book a new favorite as fast as this one. PERFECT BOOK IS PERFECT!

Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt

Another one that was just really really sad and that I loved because it was able to make me cry.


There are so many other titles that I didn’t mention and I feel bad about it but I don’t want this list to get any longer. I’ll just find a way to include them in other TTT posts…

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    Also, um, I still need to read pretty much all of these. Don’t disown me. I do adore the Lunar Chronicles and Finnikin was obviously amazing and I’ve read More Than This but other than that… I’ve promised Amber to read Mistborn this year and also Ellis is making me read The Raven Boys. So I’M TRYING.


    • Oh thanks! I always hate my TTT graphics :D

      Hahaha, you can try to hide, BUT WE’LL GET YOU AND MAKE YOU READ THEM!

  • Immerhin 2 davon hab ich auch auf der Liste, RPO ist mir ehrlich gesagt durchgerutscht, bin mir aber auch nicht sicher ob es ganz für die 10 besten gereicht hätte.^^

    Chaos Walking kann ich ja dann hoffentlich auch bald endlich mal anfangen wenn das Ding aus Italien mal langsam ankommt, vllt schafft es das ja dann in ein paar Jahren auf die nächste Liste.

    Vicious oder ADSOM werde ich mir wohl über kurz oder lang auch mal genauer anschauen und warum ich Tell the wolves I’m home immer noch nicht gelesen habe weiß ich gerade auch nicht so genau :D

    • Das mit RPO überrascht mich jetzt aber :D Hätte irgendwie gedacht das landet bei dir sicher auch drauf.

      Hast du Tell the Wolves… schon?

      • Ich hab damals anscheinend vergessen das bei GR zu bewerten und als ich dann jetzt die 5-Sterne-Sachen durchgeguckt habe war es natürlich nicht dabei >.<

        Und TTWIH hab ich noch nicht…^^

  • I LOVE how you did the graphics!

    Ha, we share so many favorites so it’s only a given that I will love Scarlet, Cress and Mistborn when I get around to reading them. And oh, Chaos Walking, too. A Darker Shade of Magic is just so good and VICTOR VALE AND PYNCH AND READY PLAYER ONE AND FINNIKIN OF THE ROCK. So many awesome books, yes.

    Also, the thing you said about drastic changes to the type of books is what happened with me, too. My favorites are pretty much Harry Potter and then whatever I read in the last 3 years haha.

    • Oh yes, Harry Potter! Somehow I always forget that I could add that one too. But I guess there is no need to mention it. HP has its place on all the lists :D

  • I need to get to Mistborn already! And Finnikin is one that I keep hearing about lately that I’m very interested in!

    • Finnikin is soooo very good. I only read it this past weekend but it made the list immediately.

  • Great list! It was so hard to narrow them down. I loved Tell the wolves I’m home. It just didn’t make the final cut. :)

  • Not read any of these books. I have the first book in The Lunar Chronicles on my book shelf. Looking forward to reading it soon.

  • SO MANY TOP NOTCH CHOICES! I am seeing Schwab all over the place, it is seriously a crime that I have not read a book from her. I need to fix that as soon as possible because I am intrigued by all of them!! Same for Marchetta’s fantasy series. I plan to finish LC and read Scarlet and Cress soon as well. But a thousand times yes to The Raven Cycle series! Pynch for LIFE.

  • I so need to read more books. I have read the Lunar Chronicles but not any of the others. My poor TBR just keeps getting longer every Tuesday.
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Haha, you’re right, we ARE soulmates! So many of these books are ones I’ve read and LOVED! The only ones I haven’t read are Mistborn, Finnikin of the Rock, and Tell the Wolves I’m Home, but I own the first two and do plan on reading them soon (even sooner now that I see they’re your favs) SO GO US! (And really, I’ll have to check out Tell the Wolves I’m Home because if a book can make me cry, it’s usually a fav for me too, haha.)

  • I love so many of these! I recently read The Raven Cycle and wow, Maggie blows me away every time. PYNCH. <3 The Lunar Chronicles and Lumatere Chronicles are some of my favorites too. Great list, girl!

Mar 03, 2015