All About Books

Recap: 2016

2016 was quite the year and not in a good way (including the worst reading slump I’ve ever had), but it also brought us GREAT books (just fewer than I’m used to) and YURI ON ICE!!! so it wasn’t all bad, definitely not. Considering my average rating this year (4.1) and the number of DNFed books (only 4), I definitely made the right choices re my reading this year, meaning rereading a shit ton of books is the best ever and I’ll do even more of that in 2017.

I already reread books frequently during the past few years but never as many as this year. I ALMOST made it past 50 rereads, if only it hadn’t been for that damn reading slump. More rereads isn’t the only things that changed this year though. I barely touched any YA books (most of the ones I did read were rereads) mainly because I want EPIC fantasy, and YA just doesn’t do very well in that department, sadly. I also got really into adult scifi, buying way more new books than I could possibly read (but when has the TBR pile ever not been a problem).

2016 also had some surprises in store: audiobooks and short fiction. Holy mother of Loki, FOR YEARS I thought audiobooks totally aren’t for me (I started one once and 1 1/2 years later still hadn’t finished it) but suddenly they are!? Somehow I finally made it work and now I LOVE rereading via audiobook.
Thanks to I started reading way more novellas, this being the first time reading a lot of short fiction that isn’t just additional material for series but original content, which made me realize how great novellas can be.

The books of 2016

Book pushing is second nature to me so I could’t possibly leave 2016 behind without talking about all the books you better read ASAP (as well as disappointments because gotta warn people to stay away from certain books too).

*some books I first read in 2015 but they are 2016 releases which I reread so shamelessly adding them

The best of 2016


A Gathering of Shadows | V.E. Schwab

This Savage Song* | Victoria Schwab

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff

The Providence of Fire | Brian Staveley

The Library at Mount Char | Scott Hawkins

Science Fiction

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch

Aftermath | Chuck Wendig

Revenger | Alastair Reynolds

The Stars are Legion | Kameron Hurley

Hold Back the Stars | Katie Khan

Sleeping Giants* | Sylvain Neuvel

Magical Realism

The Lost & Found | Katrina Leno

The Accident Season | Moira Fowley-Doyle

When the Moon Was Ours | Anna-Marie McLemore


New to me authors

I didn’t read too many new to me authors in 2016 and could have done with a few more debuts but I still read a few I definitely want to read more from and some who made it on to my auto-buy list.

Brian Staveley | The Emperor’s Blades and The Providence of Fire

Claire North | The Sudden Appearance of Hope

John Scalzi | Lock In, The Old Man’s War, The Ghost BrigadesThe Dispatcher

Kameron Hurley | The Stars are Legion

Seanan McGuire/Mira Grant | Every Heart a Doorway



Favorite beginnings

This Savage Song* | Victoria Schwab

Nevernight | Jay Kristoff

Sleeping Giants* | Sylvain Neuvel

Favorite Sequels

A Gathering of Shadows | V.E. Schwab

The Providence of Fire | Brian Staveley

Favorite endings

Morning Star | Pierce Brown

Calamity | Brandon Sanderson


The disappointments

Just nope

The Graces | Laure Eve

Captive Prince | C.S. Pacat

Not all bad but still massive disappointments

The Raven King | Maggie Stiefvater

Gemina | Jay Kristoff, Amy Kaufman


The statistics

My favorite part of every yearly recap: THE NUMBERS. Thanks to keeping track of all my books in a spreadsheet, I can look up all kinds of statistics which is my favorite thing to do, really. I want to finish books just so I can add them to my spreadsheet and see the numbers change.

Number of Books

Books read:150

I LOVE that almost a third of the books I’ve read were rereads but I actually want that number to be even higher in 2017. I joked about making it 50:50 once before so MAYBE THIS TIME.


Pages read: 42009
Average number of pages per book: 353
Shortest book: A Fist of Permutations in Lightning and Wildflowers (18 pages)
Longest book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (784 pages)

Minutes listened to: 23816 (394h)
Average number of minutes per book: 814 (13.5h)
Shortest book: The Dispatcher (139 minutes / 2.3h)
Longest book: Words of Radiance (2895 minutes / 48.25h)



Really no surprise about the numbers here. As expected I read mostly Fantasy and SciFi and this year mostly adult books. The number of high fantasy books could be higher and might increase in 2017 if my current mood and 2017 releases I’m looking forward to are any indication.



I’m a bit surprised at my number of standalones and how few series I started this year. It definitely didn’t happen on purpose because I LOVE series way too much to seek out standalones.

Series started: 13 | DNFed: 19 | Finished: 8

Number of different series read: 56



Number of different authors: 82

Most read authors: Brandon Sanderson (12 books), Maggie Stiefvater (10 books), V.E./Victoria Schwab (7 books)

I like that it’s almost 50:50 but I actually want to try and read more books by women in 2017, especially in high fantasy (of the 22 books I read in 2016, only 5 were written by women).


Okay, but these numbers just seem unreal. WHERE DID ALL THESE AUDIOBOOKS COME FROM? I don’t know, but I like it. I’m very curious how this will look in 2017. Considering that I also reread a lot, I’m surprise I still read that many ebooks.

Plans for 2017

  • get fully back into blogging
  • reread even more books (50:50 MAYBE)
  • read more diverse books
  • (re)read all Cosmere books (in publication order)
  • buy less books (LOL as if)


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  • I love all your stats, and I really appreciate the fact that you created a detailed spreadsheet and you’re willing to share it. I may try it next year! And wow, 150 books! I’m so jealous!! Happy New Year:-)

  • OMG Hello fellow Yuri on Ice fan!!!! How are you faring after episode 12???

  • I so badly want to read Sleeping Giants – it looks AMAZING! I’ve also heard so many wonderful things about Victoria Schwab’s books – I MUST READ THEM.

    Happy new year!

    • It is GREAT! (also already optioned for film I think). But with its ending it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to wait until book two comes out in April.
      Happy new year!

  • Woohoo, these are my favorite posts! (Mine is 10 pages, oops. xD)

    I hope there were good things about 2016 besides just books and YOI. I had a pretty great June and July. ;)

    I really want to see you read half rereads next year. (This should get easier every year with all the books VE Schwab writes, lol.) I only had 22% rereads this year because I wasn’t rereading via audio nearly as much. =/

    I guess you’ll need to read Robin Hobb and Glenda Larke next year. :D

    My male author percentage went WAY up. Last year I read 71% female authors, and this year it was almost exactly 50:50. :O

    It still makes me happy that you got addicted to audiobooks. \o/

    • 10 PAGES???? LOL (I wanna read!)

      Of course, but I stopped including anything besides TV + books + music here some time ago :P

      Considering that I failed to finish my Chaos Walking AND Vicious reread, I’m not sure if more books by Schwab will make it easier. Just have to stop getting so many new books I also want to read.
      That’s what you get with all your buddy reads with Sebastian :P (get back to reading more fantasy so you can also rec more books again! XD)

      Oh, I definitely plan to read more Hobb, at least finish Farseer and maybe also binge the next trilogy.

      Not surprised that your ratio of male authors went up with all them thrillers haha

      I don’t even remember how exactly you made me try again, but glad you did!

      • It should be going up on Sebastian’s blog (or at least part of it, lol), but I can send you the google doc if you want!

        It’s so inconvenient of authors to keep writing so many books that sound amazing. xD (I did reread Vicious last year, but I also failed with Chaos Walking. /o\)

        Hey, I still managed to read an entire Robin Hobb series this year! What I need to do is avoid YA fantasy and stick with adult so I remember why I love it so much…

        I know thrillers are to blame, but it still makes me sad!

        I think it was The Scorpio Races?

      • You’ll even post your recap on Sebastian’s? oO Make you own work already! :P

        Oh, I remember it was Scorpio Races but not how it happened. That’s like my least favorite Stiefvater book so no idea what made me try audiobooks again and with that books of all books.

      • Lol, if I could make my posts format themselves, I would launch my (really freaking gorgeous) blog in two seconds! I’m actually having a lot of fun with the writing part. Who would have thought? xD

      • Wait, that’s all?? What’s the problem with the format?

        Ha, could have told you :P

  • I am so sorry that you have been in such a reading slump! I hope you are coming out of it. I discovered VE Schwab this year. I love her so much. I read Vicious and A Darker Shade of Magic. I definitely need to read the rest of that series. And I am so happy to see The Library at Mount Char on here. I don’t hear nearly enough about that one, which is a shame, because it is so awesome! Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2016