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Top Ten 2017 Debuts I’m Excited About

Top Ten Tuesday

(Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)


Now if only I had made a debut GR shelf so I didn’t have to look through my whole 2017 releases list to find the ones that are actually debuts *sigh* Looking through all them releases got me really excited about 2017 again though and choosing just 10 became actually kinda hard, who would have thought.

JAN | Crossroads of Canopy by Thoraiya Dyer
I actually already started reading this and had a somewhat rough start with it but I think it’s picking up. I always love stories involving gods and Crossraods is set in a forest, as in the whole world we get to see is a forest basically.

APR | The Dragon’s Legacy by Deborah A. Wolf
Who can say No to books about dragons? NOT ME. What really made this a must-have for me though was this line: “A warrior would become Queen, a Queen would become a monster”.

MAY | The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis
This is a steampunk featuring the first female captain of an airship who has to prove she is up for the job. SHOW THEM GIRL!

JUN | The Prey of Gods by Nicky Draydon
If I had to order by priority, this would be my number two. This book does not only score high in terms of diversity (set in South Africa, queer black teen as MC) but the story sounds right up my alley too: an AI uprising AND a demigoddess preying on the blood of humans.

AUG | An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors by Curtis Craddock
A mix of scifi and fantasy, this is about a princess who is despised because of her deformed hand and lack of magic, but doesn’t really care because she is more into math and science anyway.

SEP | Autonomous by Annalee Newitz
About a “female pharmaceutical pirate” of the Robin Hood type (as if PIRATE alone wasn’t enough to make me want to read this) and “a military agent and his partner, Paladin, a young military robot, who fall in love” WHAT!? NEED!

OCT | The Tiger’s Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera
Hands down my most anticipated debut. DEMON SLAYING WARRIOR LESBIANS! (I’m not just exited but also 99.99% sure I’m gonna love it because it’s the work of my favorite editor AND highly recommended by Schwab)

NOV | Daevabad: The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty
I’m usually not big on djinn stories tbh, but it’s about a con artist in eighteenth century Cairo. I CAN’T SAY NO TO CON ARTISTS OKAY.

DEC | Barbary Station by R.E. Stearns

??? | Garden of Blood and Dust by K.K. Pérez
Inspired by the legend of the first female serial killer but then not just a mystery/thriller but a fantasy novel. GIMME NOW!


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  • Oh my god, I love the cover of The Dragon’s Legacy and I’ve always been SO intrigued by the legend of Elizabeth Bathory so I MUST have that book if it’s inspired by it.

    My Top Ten!

    • I hadn’t even heard of Elizabeth Bathory before tbh, but female serial killers for the win haha

  • Oh my gosh, I just added a bunch of new books to my TBR thanks to you! Autonomous especially sounds so good! Awesome list:-)

  • Aaah, I told myself I won’t be upset if I forgot any debuts and look, I did haha.

    I don’t think I’d seen the cover of The Dragon’s Legacy before and I like!


    • Ahaha,I looked at yours and was like FUCK I FORGOT ONE and edited mine real quick, hoping no one has seen it yet.

      I told myself not to buy any expensive HC debuts but ARG, I love that cover so much.

  • I’m so sad that THIS is the year I won’t have time to read most of these amazing-sounding debuts.

    Most of these were already on my list, but I added The Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors. It sounds great!

  • THE DRAGON ONE THOUGH. Honestly I’m the worst when it comes to dragon books because I just want to read them no matter what the book is actually about. Just so long as there are dragons. Oooh, and if VE Schwab is recommending The Tiger’s Daughter as well…YAS.

  • Ooooh, let’s see what we have in common and what I need to add to my TBR immediately….

    Crossroads of Canopy! I have this! I was super stoked to start (hey alliteration) but I also found the beginning a bit… stilted. I plan to come back and try it later this week because I really want it to be good, lol,

    I already added The Dragon’s Legacy thanks to your tweets! And now I find myself v impatient that I didn’t know was going to exist until what? Yesterday? XD

    THE GUNS ABOVE! Holy moley am I ever here FOR ALL OF THAT. YESSIR.

    Oooh I have an ARC of the Prey of Gods but I had missed its cover. I liiiiike. It may have to jump the review queue.

    I loooove the synopsis for Barbary Station. I’ve been on a scifi kick lately but that sounds like a must-read for anyone.

    Uuuugh I can’t believe we must wait until October for The Tiger’s Daughter. I neeeed it. Oh well… maybe we’ll get a cover soon? That will help.

    • OMG, so jealous you already have The Prey of Gods!!

      I think I saw something about a cover for The Tiger’s Daughter on Twitter recently so that will hopefully be revealed soon.

  • As you can probably tell from GR, I just read this post and added everything to my TBR ;D

Jan 03, 2017