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Ten Space Adventures Recently Added To My TBR

Top Ten Tuesday

(Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

I’ve been on a huge scifi binge lately (even more than usually), so it isn’t a surprise that I’ve mostly added books set in space to my TBR recently. Most of them still without covers because they won’t be out for some time, but I’m already crazy excited about all of these.

The Puzzler by Eyal Kless
Announced to have elements of both The Fifth Element and Mad Max: Fury Road, about a boy who can open doors no one else can (Shades of Magic in space? :P) and while I never really trust these comparisons, I can’t but get excited.

Black Star Renegade by Michael Moreci
I immediately added this one after seeing the cover, but the promise of a ragtag crew in space trying to save the galaxy did help too.

Skyfarer by Joseph Brassey
After reading Killing Gravity, I need more space fantasy, and this one is exactly that, about a sorceress in training, set on a spaceship.

The Eternity War: Pariah by Jamie Sawyer
Set in the same world as his Lazarus War series (which I still need to read), about elite warriors operating simulant bodies, making me think of a mix of Avatar, Pacific Rim and Kincaid’s Insignia.

Places in the Darkness by Chris Brookmyre
MURDER IN SPACE! And the two people investigating are women = MUST-HAVE.

One Way by S.J. Morden
This one kind of makes me think “And then there were none in space”. Definitely murder in space = here for it.

The Caledonian Gambit by Dan Moren
Spies in space is pretty much all I need to know. Sold.

Cold Welcome by Elizabeth Moon
A conspiracy and a ragtag group in space. I’m so easily made interested in a book but this is the kind of content I love. I already have a copy of this one and can’t wait to start reading.

Revealer by Alastair Reynolds
There isn’t any information on this one yet but I’m PRETTY sure it’s a sequel to Revenger which I LOVED.

The Wrong Stars by Tim Pratt
Another one about a ragtag/shady crew = must-have, but also about aliens and epic technology.

What space adventures did you recently discover? Any other scifi releases you’re looking forward to?

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  • Skyfarer sounds kind of amazing. And YES to more murder in space! This post was bad for my tbr. xD

  • I’m REALLY addicted to sci-fi/space books right now. I think they’re big this year. I got a bunch at BEA, including:

    Amid Stars and Darkness
    27 Hours

    A few aren’t really *in space* but take place on other planets.

    I’ll definitely be looking up the ones on your list!

    • Oh yeah, there is definitely has been more YA scifi this year! These are all adult though (I’m not really into YA scifi :/)

  • Hell yes to almost all of this *__*
    “a sorceress in training, set on a spaceship” ??? COUNT ME IN

  • I don’t really read books set in space, for some reason I don’t often think to pick them up. But you made all of these sound absolutely amazing, so now I’m looking them all up on Goodreads. Thanks! You are broadening my reading horizons :D

Jun 06, 2017