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Recap 2017: the month that was November

Picture of the A Darker Shade of Magic Collector's edition

So, it’s been some time since I last wrote one of these and to be honest, there was a time during the last few months where I was THIS close to just giving up on blogging for good. When it came to blogging, I never really cared about the numbers but I loved when conversations started about different books and that just wasn’t happening anymore like it used to do, mainly because I was having too much fun over on Instagram instead where it’s so much easier.

BUT. Every time I thought about writing that one last post, I couldn’t do it. So here we are again, trying to get back into things. Just a little heads up: there might be lots of short, very short, posts in the future. Think of Instagram-caption-like posts, if you will. I’m definitely done with writing long-ish reviews (I think) but sometimes I still have to say something about a specific book so…


November was just full on epic and I’m still not coping to be honest. For months I had kept my lettering for the collector’s edition of A Darker Shade of Magic a secret (which was HARD) and then the book was finally out on October 31. Waiting for my own copy to arrive to finally see it in person for like 10 days was anything but fun (I basically cried every day I came home and it still wasn’t there) but OMG the lovely messages I got to read.

Seeing people comment on how pretty the edition is and all these pictures on Instagram…. it’s something else. Something I’m not sure how to handle yet. (and let’s not talk about the number of people who have asked me if it’s okay to use it for a tattoo, hahahaha) I can definitely say this is my highlight of 2017.

Who’s got time for reading these day

November was just way too busy and I swear half of its days just simply vanished. There wasn’t much of reading (and that just after I got a new kindle *sad face*), definitely not as much as I wanted, and without a few comics my list would be quite short (compared to my usual ones).

The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth #1) by N.K. Jemisin
The Obelisk Gate(The Broken Earth #2) by N.K. Jemisin
The Piper’s Son by Melina Marchetta
Paper Girls #15-17 by Brian Vaughan
Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol.1* by Al Ewing
The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente
The World is Full of Monsters by Jeff Vandermeer
The Emperor’s Blades* (The Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #1) by Brian Staveley
Barbary Station (Shieldrunner Pirates #1) by R.E. Stearns

My highlight was definitely The Piper’s Son (I already want to reread) and Barbary Station kind of a disappointment. I definitely need to up my reading game in December, especially regarding rereads and audiobooks.


There’ll always be time to buy more books

When you don’t have time to read all the books you already own… you spend that precious time you have on buying even more. Not that I bought THAT many books this month, I think compared to others I was actually good at holding back this time, but it could have been less…

The Emperor’s Blades* (The Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #1) by Brian Staveley
The Providence of Fire* (The Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #2) by Brian Staveley
Invincible Iron Man: Ironheart Vol. 1 by Brian Michael Bendis
Wytches Vol.1 by Scott Snyder
Snowfall Vol.1 by Joe Harris
Injection, Vol.2 by Warren Ellis
The Truth Factory (Smokey Barrett #5) by Cody McFadyen
Loki by Mike Vasich
A Darker Shade of Magic * (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab
Paper Girls #17 by Brian Vaughan
Generations: Hawkeye & Hawkeye by Kelly Thompson
Oathbringer (The Stormlight Archive #3) by Brandon Sanderson
The Massacre of Mankind by Stephen Baxter
Horns by Joe Hill

I’m only now realizing that ADSOM and Oathbringer are the only print books I got in November. WHAT A SAD MONTH IT HAS BEEN. 

(*new edition)

Behind on all them TV shows

(Almost) all my favorite shows are finally back and I barely watched any of them. I watched so few, that I forgot all about tracking them on so who knows, maybe I forgot some. But hey, I watched TWO movies. Definitely making up for not watching many shows LOL

The Flash
The new season is SO good. It has some of the funniest episodes in a long time. Drunk Barry is my favorite.

This is Us
This show has me in tears with every damn episode and I better catch up soon because I couldn’t possibly handle it to binge watch this later.

Peaky Blinders
After starting this like 3 times, I finally watched it all and I. AM. OBSESSED.

Back to the Future
Had to introduce Sana to this gem of a movie.

SW: The Force Awakens
In preparation of The Last Jedi…not that I needed another rewatch.

Music recs welcome

So what’s the equivalent to a reading slump when it comes to music? A listening slump? Because I’m definitely having one of those right now. I’m not really feeling anything that I’ve been listening to and my weekly Spotify playlists are just super disappointing, so recs are always welcome.

(Anybody else getting all emotional when listening to Linkin Park songs now? *ugly tears*)

How was November for you? Read any good books?

  • My highlight was The Fifth Season, no hesitation there! I loved the readalong and I’m still in awe of you for your theory, hahah!
    Have a nice December :D

    • Haha, I was very proud of myself for figuring it out. Doesn’t happen often LOL
      Thanks, you too!

  • YAY HI

    I’m about to start The Fifth Season properly (I made a fake attempt at starting it last month) and I’m SO READY to marathon the trilogy. I also want to finally get hold of The Emperor’s Blades and Barbary Station. I need to get better at reading again.

    • HEEEY! *waves*

      I hope you end up liking it, it’s really something different. AND YES TO THE EMPEROR’S BLADES!!! not sure if I would actually recommend Barbary Starion haha

  • I’m glad you aren’t quitting and will share some of your thoughts. :D
    The handlettering is amazing. Well done. :D

    Here is to a good reading month!

  • I’m glad you’re not done blogging. :)

    How creepy will it be if one day at a Schwab event you see someone with your lettering on their arm? xD (But also awesome.)

    I’m so happy that you loved The Piper’s Son! I thought you would, but I was afraid its being contemporary would turn you off too much. I really need to reread soon. Is it available as an audiobook? I’d also like to listen to the Lumatere Chronicles on audio.

    Did you get The Unhewn Throne on audio?

    I still need to watch This Is Us! And I hope S liked Back to the Future. Such a classic.

    My favorites of the month were The Girl Who Takes and Eye for an Eye and Murder on the Orient express.

    • I hope it never happens, that would be too weird I think.

      I have no idea if there are audiobooks of Machetta’s books.
      Yep, I’m currently rereading the Unhewn Throne via audio.

      I’m 99% sure you’re gonna love This Is Us! Perfect to watch after Parenthood.

      • Looks like there are audiobooks, but the library unfortunately doesn’t have them. I don’t recognize any of the narrators, but the Australian one for Saving Francesca kinda makes me laugh. xD

        The narration is so good! Definitely the best way to reread.

        Gaaah, that just makes me want to read it even more.

        I love the new design, btw!

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  • Oh hey, I like this redesign! And wow, it’d have been so sad if you’d have actually given up. I kinda always want to have my blog but that could change, who knows. The interactions have definitely changed in the blogging sphere but then I hardly ever visit other blogs to keep it going on my end and didn’t even take part in Sci-Fi November which felt a bit weird.

    AH, YES THE ENDLESS WAIT YOU HAD TO ENDURE. (I now have all the editions and don’t feel even a little bit crazy about it haha).

    I finally had the time and mood to catch up on shows and I choose…Supergirl LOL yeah.

    I need to watch more 80s movies now! XD

    I haven’t dared listen to any Linkin Park songs yet but I’m sure I’ll get emotional when I do. >.<

Dec 01, 2017