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Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me


(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

Only ten? I want more than ten! (Even though I’m happy when I get even one because my family seems to not like to give me books as presents *sigh*). I already put together two lists for my family and for secret santa so that this list wasn’t that hard to come up with.


The House of the Scorpion has been on my wishlist for a while now. It’s sounds like a unique story. After I finished reading the Percy Jackson series sometime this year I now want to start reading The Heroes of Olympus series. I already have the first book in the series and hope I’m getting the other three for christmas. King of Thorns has been on my wishlist for only a few weeks, but I put it there right after finishing Prince of Thorns and I’m definitely going to buy this when I don’t get it for Christmas :D

It will still take some time until I need 13 by Kelley Armstrong but I would love to finally have the complete series on my shelf. River of no Return has been on my wishlist since I first heard about it and after seeing it everywhere in stores while being in the US I wanted it even more. The Darkest Minds is one of those books everyone is talking about right now. I initially wanted to wait until the third book comes out but I’m just too curious. 172 Hours on the Moon is a standalone scifi book with the moon as the main setting -> WANT.

I was considering to finally read the His Dark Materials series and found this pretty box set. I guess this is also something I’m going to buy myself if I don’t get it for Christmas.

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  • Momentan redet ja wirklich jeder von The darkest minds, aber ich traue mich da noch nicht so ran, weil ich Angst habe das es nur wieder einer dieser typischen Hypes sind die unerklärlich bleiben.

    Oi, aber der Schuber zu His Dark Materials schaut echt Klasse aus, der landet sofort auf die Wunschliste

  • River of no Return ist gleich mal auf die Wunschliste gewandert :) Das klingt richtig gut! Darkest Minds fand ich wirklich gut, ich muss aber endlich mal dazu kommen Never Fade zu lesen… Und His Dark Materials ist ja eigentlich auch ein must read, den ersten Teil habe ich auch noch auf dem Sub…ups XD

  • The Heroes of Olympus is even better than the Percy Jackson books that I love so much. I don’t think you will be disappointed and I hope you get them! Oh and The River of No Return is a really good book. :) Great list!

    Happy Holidays!

    My Top Ten

  • The Darkest Minds is soooo good! I hope that you get it!

  • Definitely do read His Dark Materials! It’s a wonderful series, especially the final book. I’d like to have everyone in the English-speaking world read ‘The Amber Spyglass’ so they can learn what Philip Pullman knows about love.

  • AHHH you haven’t read His Dark Materials?? I BEG OF YOU. Do it! It changed my little 12 year-old life (and still has that impact on me even as I read it a decade later). House of Scorpions is also really, really fantastic (although I’m debating whether I want to read the sequel that was released this year since I don’t know ANYONE who liked it). King of Thorns and 172 Hours on the Moon both look awesome!

    • I know, I know, I should read it as soon as possible :D (didn’t get it for christmas of course but I will buy the box set soon-ish)

Dec 24, 2013