All About Books

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader


(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)


The main reason why I love being a book blogger is that I finally found people to talk to about books. Before I started blogging I mostly talked about them with my mom because she was pretty much the only one I knew who liked to read books. Today I know so many people so that no matter what book I read I will always be able to find someone to talk to about it.


Before I started blogging I didn’t keep track of which books I read and got and it makes me sad that I forgot about so many books. I could never come up with a list of books I read back then. I still know a few but I especially hate that I have no idea anymore how I felt about them when I read them. With some (like Harry Potter, Twilight and the like) I still know if I liked them or not of course but having reviews about books and thus being able to remember how I felt is something I never want to give up again.


Through my blog I got to know people I never would have met otherwise. Not only people from other countries but also people from Germany. Over the last few years I met some amazing people and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be friends with them. That I only get to see them only a few times a year makes these meetings so much more precious. On top of that there are other people all over the world. No matter what time it is there will always be someone on Twitter to talk to.


Even more fun than talking about books is reading them together and talking about them WHILE reading. I love readathons and every event like that where a bunch of bloggers get together to do something bookish. Even though it’s often a distraction but I always get to know some new people through those which makes them even more fun.


Just as much as I love to make people read a book I loved I also like to get pushed into reading a certain book. Especially because this always leads to intense fangirling and in-depth discussions on the book.


Last year I made the decision to switch from German to English and even though I’m pretty sure that I still make a lot of mistakes I started to feel way more confident in writing English texts.


When I started blogging I didn’t even know that there is something like the YA genre. I only found out about all these books after I found some blogger who mostly wrote about them. That’s when my TBR pile exploded and I suddenly wanted to read all these books. Today I mostly read YA myself but I still discover books I never would have found otherwise.



Even though I mostly use Goodreads to stay up-to-date on new releases, blogs always help me not to forget about them. Once a book is published there are always reviews about it somewhere or even new release posts to make sure I won’t forget about it!


When I want to relax after an exhausting day there is no better way for me to do that than curl up in bed with a good book. When I’m unwell or I go through a rough patch I can’t think of anything that helps me more to escape from that than reading a book and make off to some made up world and forget everything around me.


What I like about having books as my number one hobby is that I don’t depend on money. It’s not like I don’t spend a lot of money on books because it’s still something I like to spend my money on but when I’m short of money I can always go to the library, borrow from friends, buy used books and in the worst case scenario: just reread old favorites.

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  • It’s totally affordable – if you can keep up with not buying a lot of books. And there are so many books I want to have, but I just don’t want to spend that amount of money on it. I’m containing myself. I’m surviving without spending too much money. I have still a lot of books that I have to read on my shelves, so I’ll survive for now. And then we have the library (only wished that they would have more English books, I’m now reading nice books in Dutch that are translated from English).

    Readathons are awesome! I love them, it pushes me to read more books than I would in that week. It’s so nice to do that with other people as well. And it’s definitely a fun way to improve English :D Loved reading this post :D

  • Definitely agree with you on #2! I’ve NEVER kept track of what I read until I began blogging–now I so wish I’d been keeping track long ago. Blogging gave me the push I needed to (finally!) set up a Goodreads account and formally track what I read–and now I’ll be able to join in on those awesome year-end book roundup posts! :-)

  • You’re so right! I agree with every point, especially the first one. So I can’t wait for the Leipzig Book Fair next month to meet a lot of these people ;)

  • That’s an amazing article! Couldn’t agree more, especially meeting so many book lovers has been a great experience. I’ve only been to one book fair so far, but I will definitely go again if I get the chance to! And Twitter is so great – there are so many people I would love to meet (again) in person, that would be a superb experience.
    Books (and movies) are also responsible for my English skills and blogging (even though I do it in German) helps even more because I read many books before they’re published in German, just because of other bloggers who’ve raved about these novels :-D (and I do agree: I would have never read a majority of the books I now hold so dear).

    • Next bookfair, we need to meet! It’s always so exciting meeting someone for the first time for real :D (you gonna visit the Frankfurt bookfair?)

      • I’d love to meet you too, but I don’t know if I’ll be in Frankfurt this year yet – I’ll definitely let you know if I’m going ;-)!

  • Those are really awesome points! I totally agree with you :D

    My Top Ten this week!

  • Eine Runde schämen, weil ich mal wieder die Einzige bin, die auf deutsch schreibt: check.
    Also ich glaube, du brauchst dir keine Sorgen um deine Sprachkenntnisse zu machen. Ich hab hier immer das Gefühl den Blog einer Muttersprachlerin zu lesen, so viele Wörter schmeißt du da um dich. Mein Wortschatz ist dagegen echt eingeschränkt D:
    Bei den meisten Punkten kann ich dir voll und ganz zustimmen. Aber mit Lesemarathons werd ich nicht so warm. Entweder schlaf ich total schnell ein oder es passiert nix.

    • Du schläfst ein? Auch wenn die tagsüber sind? :D
      Ich finde solche, die über ne Woche laufen aber auch wesentlich toller. Da hat man dann nicht die ständige Ablenkung mit Twitter & Co.

      • Naja meistens sind die ja abends. Die, die tagsüber sind, fanden bisher immer samstags statt, da hatte ich früher nie Zeit ;)

  • hach, das kann ich einfach genau so unterschreiben <3 die ganzen tollen Leute und alles :) ohne euch wäre das alles ziemlich doof! und der Trick ist andere einfach über Bücher zuzulabern ;) egal ob sie sich dafür interessieren oder nicht, aber das ist natürlich nur halb so lustig, als mit jemandem, mit dem man dann wirklich rumnerden kann hehe :D

    • damit vergrault man ja voll die Leute,haha. Ne, ich brauch da schon jemanden, der selbst auch Interesse hat. Gott sei Dank gibts da hier ja genug von <3

  • Great picks :) Books are an amazing escape from reality and they can make you forget your troubles for a few hours and that’s a wonderful escape to have. My TTT

  • I love this topic and seeing everyone’s reasons for being a reader and blogger.
    Awesome list <3

    Here's our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

  • I have met so many people from all over the world too! :)

  • I love that blogging is helping you to improve your English! That’s awesome! And I also love being friend with people all over the world. I’m in a book club with a girl in The Netherlands and a girl in Austria. And I’m in the USA. I think that’s so much fun! Thanks for visiting my TTT. :)

    • That book club sounds awesome! I only wish we wouldn’t have to deal with different time zones :D

  • Mit Anja dann mal wieder den einzigen deutschsprachigen Kommentar abgeben :P Ne, stimme wirklich jedem Punkt bedingungslos zu. Klar, es gibt auch Punkte die nerven mich gewaltig beim Bloggen, aber die Vorteile überwiegen einfach und ich hab in den zwei Jahren in den ich blogge einfach so viel umwerfend tolle Menschen kennenlernen dürfen, ich glaub so schnell krieg man mich dann nicht mehr vom Bloggen weg.

    • Haha, was nervt dich denn da so gewaltig? Außer dass ich oft mal viel zu faul zum Bloggen bin, hab ich eigentlich noch nie wirklich was negatives erlebt :D

  • Awesome post :D I loved reading your list. <3 And agree with a lot of it :) Sigh, have gotten to know so many people via blogging.
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina’s Books

Feb 18, 2014