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Top Ten Books About Friendship

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

I love to read books about friendship way more than love stories. All these books have some great friendship going on between wonderful characters!



The Theory of Everyhing by Kari Luna

“That was what having a best friend was about – being honest and sharing everything, even the bad things.”



The Choas Walking series by Patrick Ness

“It’s always nice when two people who don’t got no one else find each other as friends.”



Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”


The Maze Runner series by James Dashner

“Kill Me. If you’ve ever been my friend, kill me.”



 Wonder by R.J. Palacio

“It’s not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend.”



The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

“Gansey could’ve had any and all of the friends that he wanted. Instead he had chosen the three of them, three guys who should’ve, for three different reasons, been friendless.”


The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour

“Searching, always. And yes, we all are, or soon will be, disenchanted, I still want to know it all: the heartbreak, the fear, the friendship, the anger, the love. All of it.”



The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

“A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.”



Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

“I wish friends held hands more often, like the children I see on the streets sometimes. I’m not sure why we have to grow up and get embarrassed about it.”


Insignia by S.J. Kincaid

“He began to understand suddenly what friends were for: they reminded you that things weren’t so bad after all. Reminded you never to stop laughing at yourself.”

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  • Aww, du hast so schöne Beispiele und passende Zitate rausgesucht <3
    Mir fallen noch die Mädels in Before I Fall ein, die sind zwar größtenteils ganz schöne Miststücke, aber untereinander halten sie wenigstens fest zusammen. Und wo wir schon bei Lauren Oliver sind mag ich Hanas und Lenas Freundschaft auch gern.

  • Great list! Wonder is the best! I need to read The Theory of Everything – it looks great!

  • These are awesome picks! Great post :)
    My Top Ten this week!

  • Great choices. Harry Potter made my list too, I absolutely love that series and it has so many amazing friendships in it. I’ve also read Anna and the French Kiss and The Book Thief and both of those have great friendships too. Nice list :) Here’s my TTT.

  • I marathoned the Chaos Walking trilogy in an entire week last year and I just adored the series. I may have to reread them soon and actually buy copies of the books since I got them at the library! Patrick Ness’s writing style is just amazing. I really loved the friendship in the Maze Runner trilogy as well. Minho was absolutely my favorite character and I’m super stoked for the movie! Great list! Your blog design is absolutely beautiful. :)

  • I enjoyed reading your list! I haven’t read Wonder yet, and it’s terrible that I haven’t because I know it’s wonderful, from what I’ve heard.
    The Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness is a perfect pick for this list–I also had The Book Thief on mine. I agree with you that I love reading about friendships more than love stories.

  • Ooh, das Zitat aus der Newt-Szene, die war echt heftig…^^

    “Wonder” liegt ja jetzt auch schon eine ganze Weile bei mir auf dem Sub und ich bin jedes Mal bei der Wahl eines neuen Buches kurz davor es in die Hand zu nehmen, aber irgendwie wird’s das dann doch nie (Das ist so schön dünn, das kann man sich für schlechte Battle-Zeiten aufsparen xD)

    Das “Book Thief”-Cover hab ich so ja noch gar nicht gesehen, ist das die Ausgabe die du hast?

    Und wieder mal Patrick Ness. Irgendwann fange ich “A Monster Calls” dann auch mal an *hust* :D

    • Ne, leider nicht. Ist die Ausgabe die ich gerne hätte! XD Aber die bekommt man schlecht oder ist total teuer.

  • da sind wirklich tolle Bücher dabei <3 Iiiirgendwann les ich auch noch The Theory of Everythings, spätestens dann wenn ich irgendwann nachgebe, wenn du das schon ständig als Schnäppchen bei Twitter postest :p
    Wonder liegt bei mir auch noch auf dem Sub, ich hoffe ich komme mal ganz bald dazu, das versauert da noch ahh….

May 20, 2014