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Epic Recs: May


I’ve been watching Amber‘s and Judith‘s Epic Rec feature for a while now and finally decided to participate this month for the first time. Rosie also wanted to do this and so we teamed up and found our first recommendations pretty fast:

 Rosie’s Rec:


Broken Symmetry

 My Rec:



We both chose a book that has been a favorite of 2013. I never heard about Broken Symmetry before but now I am excited to read it. It’s about parallel/alternate realities, which is something I love to read about! I’ve only read a few very good ones though and hope this is one of those. Rosie seems to think so.
I hope Rosie is going to like Winger as much as I did. (And I can’t wait to hear her thoughts about the end! :D)

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  • Wofür steht denn dieses (Epic) Recs? Irgendwie steh ich gerade auf dem Schlauch.

    • Rec steht für recommendation, also Empfehlungen. Ist so gedacht, dass man sich gegenseitig Bücher zum Lesen aufbrummt :D

  • YAY! Welcome! I hope you both enjoy your first recs. I’ve not read Winger, but everyone has been flailing over it so maybe I should?

  • Great idea and holy…canolli! Broken Symmetry sounds REALLY cool. Oh god…another book I’ve to read! So, I guess I found my own rec. either without looking. -.-

May 03, 2014