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Top Ten Book Covers I’d Frame As Pieces of Art

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)


+ Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I don’t like the second cover quite as much as the first and last but this series has beautiful covers. I love how shimmery they are.

+ The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness
When I first saw this cover I wish I hadn’t bought the book right when it came out. Even though I also love the cover of the UK edition this one is sooo pretty. I’m sure I will get a copy of this someday.

Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma
I think I saw multiple shots like these and I love these kind of pictures. One of the very few covers with a person on it that I like.

+ Rooms by Lauren Oliver
So simple but still awesome. That’s my favorite kind of cover.

+ Vicious by V.E. Schwab
I love that this one actually looks kinda like the cover of a comic and therefore fits this story about characters with powers so well.



+ Unwrapped Sky by Rjurik Davidson
If only the story would have been as magical and wonderful as this cover makes it look like. I love that it is all blue and the transition from water into the city.

+ Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Simple but perfect for a SciFi book and still my favorite cover in the series. They couldn’t have found a better way to represent the story.

+ A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
I love Jim Kay’s drawings! I would actually pin all the drawings from this book on my wall.

+ Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys
It’s green, it has a girl on a cover but only in the background and is just overall pretty.

+ Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
Illustrated covers are the best ones and I love this one a lot.


I actually thought about framing some of my favorite covers. I wish there were more really pretty covers like these though. It wasn’t hard to only list ten books. A had a few more in mind but not a lot.

Which book covers would you frame as art?

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  • I like the covers of Imaginary Girls, Out of the Easy, and A Monster Calls… especially A Monster Calls :3 I like book covers that have drawings.. makes me want to stare at it all day and learn how to make something like it..

  • I got a little “sofa” for my favourite covers recently, so I can display at least some of those beautiful covers. :D Cinder’s on there, too; the rest of them are Charm and Strange, Two Boys Kissing, Blood Red Road (the one with the raven), The Ask and the Answer and The Raven Boys. I just wish publisher would provide prints or something. Some covers really deserve it.

    • Pictures??? :D
      I would definitely buy prints of covers!

      • Only when it’s finished. :D It was advertising material from a publishing house, but the store I work at would have thrown it away, so I was allowed to take it with me. I just didn’t find the time, yet, to cover all the publisher’s logos and stuff. So, as soon as that’s finally done, I’m totally going to brag about my sofa. xD

  • Great list! A Monster Calls is on my list, too! I love the artwork in that book. I really like the cover for Me and Earl and the Dying Girl as well. I haven’t read it, but I would totally frame that cover.

  • I love the covers from Cinder. I think Cress is my favorite one so far and I can’t wait to see Winter :D I bet it’s going to feature an apple in some way. I like the pop-up effect from Me and earl and the dying girl.

    • I can’t wait to see what they come up with for Winter. I bet you’re right with the apple!

  • You picked some great covers-love them!

    Finley Jayne

  • WOO! You’ve got some awesome choices!!! In my opinion, the UK version of Daughter of Smoke and Bone (which is what I just started reading today, yay!) is SO much cooler than the US cover! The US just looks too grungy and…I don’t know… I like the UK’s simple feathers and pretty font! Also, YAY, Imaginary Girls! (You’re right, it totally would look good in my bathroom!) Unwrapped Sky has a beautiful cover! Oh my! And A Monster Calls looks awesome and ominous!

    • I never liked the US cover of DoSaB because I thought it’s weird that she is wearing a turquoise mask instead of having turquoise hair^^And non of the US covers can compete with the pretty and shimmery UK cover of the last book. That’s definitely my favorite. I could look at it all day long.

  • Von den 10 Covern ist “Unwrapped Sky” mein absoluter Favorit, sowohl farblich als auch vom Motiv.

    “A Monster Calls” ist aber auch super, das sollte ich endlich mal lesen… :D

    • Mich ärgert dass immer noch dass mir Unwrapped Sky nicht so gefallen hat. Hatte die tolle Ausgabe schon vorbestellt und dann nach beenden des eBooks doch wieder abbestellt :D
      DU HAST DAS NOCH NICHT GELESEN??? Na dann mal los!

May 06, 2014