I still can’t believe it but these are the only physical books I got in June. I’m currently on a book buying ban (it works for the first time! I haven’t bought a book in 40 days. FORTY!) and the only books I got were preordered, books bought via amazon marketplace = took a long time to get here and review books from EW and NG (I’m mostly doing this book buying ban to save money, that’s why review books don’t count^^).
Physical books:
- The Glass Sentence (The Mapmaker’s Trilogy #1) by S.E. Grove: I preordered this right after reading the synopsis. And I didn’t regret that I did. I already read it and LOVED it.
- A Natural History of Dragons (Memoir by Lady Trent #1) by Marie Brennan: I was thinking about buying this book for a long time but the fact that this was supposed to be like a memoir always put be off again. Then this book was chosen as the book of the month by the Dragons & Jetpacks group on GR and I finally bought it. I already read it and liked it a lot.
- Sabriel (Abhorsen #1) by Garth Nix: Garth Nix is a well known author when it comes to fantasy books so of course I had to read one of his books someday. Choosing one was pretty easy when I heard that his Abhorsen series was getting a cover makeover.
- Age of Iron (Iron Age #1) by Angus Watson: I can’t resist fantasy books on NG anymore. Anything that sounds slightly interesting will be requested. Warrior and “bloodthirsty druid magic” make it sound very good though.
- Traitor’s Blade (Greatcoats #1) by Sebastien de Castell: “a disgraced swordsman struggles to redeem himself by protecting a young girl caught in the web of a royal conspiracy” It’s so easy to make me want to have a book. (I’m wondering why the edition with this cover isn’t available anywhere. I like it a lot more than the other ones)
- The House of Four Winds (One Dozen Daughters #1) by Mercedes Lackey: A girl disguised as a sailor, pirates, a treasure and a sorceress! I really hope it is as good as it sounds.
- City of Stairs by Jackson Robert Bennett: I wanted this one already after I had only seen the cover! It looks so mysterious. And then I read “living spies, dead gods, buried histories” and knew I had to get it.

Have you read any of these books yet? What books did you get this month?
Irgendwie ist das doof wenn du dir ein Buchkaufverbot auferlegt hast, dann kann ich auch viel zu wenig Bücher kaufen :D
Bei mir sind es bis jetzt auch gerade mal 3 physische Bücher (davon 2 Vorbestellungen, der Rest Hörbücher), das ist doch total unbefriedigend xD
Gönn dir mal wieder was ;P
(Gibt es zu dem Drachenbuch noch ne Rezension? Das reizt mich gerade vom Cover her total :D)
Viel länger werde ich das wohl auch nicht mehr machen, obwohl es andererseits total die Motivation ist,die Zahl nicht wieder auf 0 setzen zu wollen. 40 ist schon so schön hoch XD
Jap, kommt noch ne Rezension zu…irgendwann. Im Moment kann ich mich ja mal wieder nicht zum schreiben motivieren.
I was on a book buying ban too.. but I kinda broke it. Again. Haha. Great job. I really want to read Sabriel and The glass sentence; this book is spreading on Booktube and I love the cover. I also got The house of four winds and I agree, sounds amazing :D
Happy reading!
I have an app on my phone that counts the days since a given date and it helped a lot seeing that number grow! I just didn’t want it to go back to zero again :D
I really start hating you for showing me so many books I’d love to buy which end up in my cart more often than not. City of Stairs, for example, and I would have preordered The House of the Four Winds, too, but there’s no paperback edition yet. My TBR is rejoicing.
Your three physical books match perfectly. I really like the cover of Sabriel. I’ve got the German editions of the series since I bought them way before I started reading in English. Still haven’t continued reading, though.
Haha, I love the picture and how the books match too. I think only a few books always look better than many :D
Ich sollte aufhören deine Neuzugänge zu lesen T.T Würde da am liebsten gleich sämtliche Bücher kaufen und lesen. Finde es aber sehr praktisch das du momentan viel Fantasy liest, so kann ich mir schön deine Empfehlungen rauspicken :P
Dabei sind das doch schon so schön wenige :D
Sobald du mal das erste Mistborn durch hast bist du ja auch erstmal ordentlich versorgt :D
I read Sabriel some years ago and really liked it. Started with Lirael a while after it too but unfortunately never finished it. I thought the new characters were pretty boring..
I read a lot of Mercedes Lackey when I was younger. Easy reading and I liked the strong female characters – hope you enjoy it!
Oh, I hope I like Lirael. I lso already bought Abhorsen because I liked Sabriel so much :D
If I like this book by Lackey I’m definitely going to check out her other books too!