All About Books

New Releases: July 2014

July has some very exciting new releases in store, some of them I already preordered and can’t wait to get and some I would love to get but I shouldn’t buy because I already own way to many unread books. 



How the With Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back
(White Trash Zombie #4)
by Diana Rowland

It’s zombie versus zombie as the Saberton Corporation declares war against the Zombie Mafia, kidnapping several of their party. It falls to Angel to lead the remnants of her gang halfway across the country to claw their way through corporate intrigue, zombie drugs, and undead trafficking to rescue her friends—and expose the traitor responsible for their abduction…


I LOVE this series. I haven’t read a book about zombies in a while so I’m even more excited about this one. Angel is such a great character and reading from a zombie’s POV is a lot of fun! I’m glad Diana decided to write more books for the series.



by Emily Lloyd-Jones

When the MK virus swept across the planet, a vaccine was created to stop the epidemic, but it came with some unexpected side effects. A small percentage of the population developed superhero-like powers. Seventeen-year-old Ciere Giba has the handy ability to change her appearance at will. She’s what’s known as an illusionist…She’s also a thief.

After a robbery goes awry, Ciere must team up with a group of fellow super-powered criminals on another job that most would consider too reckless. The formula for the vaccine that gave them their abilities was supposedly destroyed years ago. But what if it wasn’t?

The lines between good and bad, us and them, and freedom and entrapment are blurred as Ciere and the rest of her crew become embroiled in a deadly race against the government that could cost them their lives.

“The X-Men meets Ocean’s Eleven” and “a band of super criminals”? WANT! I love that there are so many books out there about thieves! Interesting characters for the win!



Midnight Thief 
by Livia Blackburne

Growing up on Forge’s streets has taught Kyra how to stretch a coin. And when that’s not enough, her uncanny ability to scale walls and bypass guards helps her take what she needs.

But when the leader of the Assassins Guild offers Kyra a lucrative job, she hesitates. She knows how to get by on her own, and she’s not sure she wants to play by his rules. But he’s persistent—and darkly attractive—and Kyra can’t quite resist his pull.

Tristam of Brancel is a young Palace knight on a mission. After his best friend is brutally murdered by Demon Riders, a clan of vicious warriors who ride bloodthirsty wildcats, Tristam vows to take them down. But as his investigation deepens, he finds his efforts thwarted by a talented thief, one who sneaks past Palace defenses with uncanny ease.

When a fateful raid throws Kyra and Tristam together, the two enemies realize that their best chance at survival—and vengeance—might be to join forces. And as their loyalties are tested to the breaking point, they learn a startling secret about Kyra’s past that threatens to reshape both their lives.

The second thief book I’m very excited about this month. And I love the cover! So much that I’m already afraid that the series will get a makeover :D



Deadly Class Volume 1
by  Rick Remender, Wesley Craig, Lee Loughridge

It’s 1987. Marcus Lopez hates school. His grades suck. The jocks are hassling his friends. He can’t focus in class. But the jocks are the children of Joseph Stalin’s top assassin, the teachers are members of an ancient league of assassins, the class he’s failing is “Dismemberment 101,” and his crush has a double-digit body count. Welcome to the most brutal high school on earth, where the world’s top crime families send the next generation of assassins to be trained. Murder is an art. Killing is a craft. At Kings Dominion School for the Deadly Arts, the dagger in your back isn’t always metaphorical. 

I found this when searching for more comics to read after Saga. This one sounds exactly like my kind of thing.



Shattering the Ley
by Joshua Palmatier

At the heart of the city is the Nexus, the hub of a magical ley line system that powers Erenthrall. This ley line also links the city and the Baronial plains to rest of the continent and the world beyond. The Prime Wielders control the Nexus with secrecy and lies, but it is the Baron who controls the Wielders. The Baron also controls the rest of the Baronies through a web of brutal intimidation enforced by his bloodthirsty guardsmen and unnatural assasins.

When the rebel Kormanley seek to destroy the ley system and the Baron’s chokehold, two people find themselves caught in the chaos that sweeps through Erenthrall and threatens the entire world: Kara Tremain, a young Wielder coming into her power, who discovers the forbidden truth behind the magic that powers the ley lines; and Alan Garrett, a recruit in the Baron’s guard, who learns that the city holds more mysteries and more danger than he could possibly have imagined . . . and who holds a secret within himself that could mean Erenthrall’s destruction — or its salvation.

I haven’t heard anything about this book before but it does sound good. I’m probably going to wait until a few reviews are up before I get it.



by Maggie Stiefvater

 Everybody thinks they know Cole’s story. Stardom. Addiction. Downfall. Disappearance. But only a few people know Cole’s darkest secret — his ability to shift into a wolf. One of these people is Isabel. At one point, they may have even loved each other. But that feels like a lifetime ago. Now Cole is back. Back in the spotlight. Back in the danger zone. Back in Isabel’s life. Can this sinner be saved?

I love Maggie Stiefvater’s books and I loved her Wolves of Mercy Falls series but for some strange reason I still haven’t ordered this book. I already heard really good things about it BUT a)I never liked Cole that much, especially after what he did to Sam at one point and b) I would love to reread the series before starting this one. I know it’s not necessary but I want to.


What books are you getting this month?

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  • I totally have to re-read Steifvater’s Shiver series, and then totally get my hands on Sinner!

    And I really like the cover on the White Trash Zombie book! Haha might have to look into that series!

  • Auf “Illusive” freue ich mich auch schon total, hoffentlich wird das so gut wie es sich anhört. Hast du das vorbestellt oder wartest du da noch ab?

    Und weißt du zufällig ob das ne Serie werden soll? Bei GR finde ich die Angaben gerade nicht so ganz eindeutig… :D

    • Ich weiß das sie nen Vertrag für 2 Bücher beim Verlag hat, aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob das bedeutet dass es ne Reihe wird XD

  • Midnight thief sounds great and I also love that cover :D Happy reading!

  • In Puncto Neuerscheinungen stehen bei mir für den Juli eigentlich nur Fortsetzungen auf dem Zettel, insbesondere drei Serienabschlüsse: Legend #3, Die Vernichteten und Bleib mir treu (Pivot Point #2). Außerdem erscheint nach gefühlten Jahrzehnten endlich der zweite Teil der Serie von Lauren DeStefano auf Deutsch und darauf freue ich mich schon sehr.

  • Ich freu mich auch schon sehr auf “Illusive”, bin gespannt, wie lange die Vorbestellung brauche wird, bis sie bei mir ankommt! Mit “Midnight Thief” bin ich leider noch immer nicht weitergekommen :-/ Ich hatte mir von dem Buch etwas mehr Action erwartet und habe ziemliche Schwierigkeiten reinzukommen. Dass ich es dauernd mit Unterbrechungen gerade lese, ist wohl auch nicht gerade förderlich. Naja, vielleicht wird es ja noch^^

    Dir viel Spaß mit den Büchern, für die du dich entscheidest ;P

    Liebe Grüße,

Jul 02, 2014