I haven’t been working on my journal for a while now but I’m currently in a reading slump and thought it would be a good idea to pick it up again. What better thing to do on a rainy day than wrecking a journal when you don’t feel like reading!^^
That’s how the journal looked like before I started working on it. Its spine is broken and the whole journal is slowly falling apart. It didn’t wanted to hold it together with tape because I’ve only started and it might get thicker over the time. That’s why I chose to bind it with a thread that’s pretty loose:
And these are some of the instructions I followed. I was browsing tumblr before and I loved that so many people don’t really follow the instructions but only let themselves be inspired by them. I think that’s what I’m mostly going to do too from now on.
Rosie @ Rosie Reads
Wow! I haven’t picked up my journal in so long ha ha! I like how you held yours together by string ^^
Also TARDIS! I love love love that page! And the lines making the wolf is amazing!
Love this! I haven’t touched my Wreck This Journal in the last three months or so (whenever I did my first Bookish Wreck post). I find that I sometimes struggle with it BECAUSE I have looked at other people’s work. I see how artsy and creative they are with them and then feel like mine is all fail because it’s not as amazing. Totally need to get over that! I love the passing the time bit – Dr Who! haha. And the poking holes one is so beautiful. That was one of the first ones I did and I started doodling around my holes but got carried away and ended up hating it. I’ve decided I really want to buy band aids and cover the holes with them. :) Just need to find ones that I think are cute enough :P
Those pictures are pretty inspiring. I just bought – together with a few of my girlfriends – this book and we try some kind of challenge. The ones whose journal is the most wrecked at the end of or summer vacation will win. I should start browsing for more inspiration, because I don’t only want to wreck it but actually make it colorful and pretty as well :)
Miss Bookiverse
Woah, da sind wieder so schöne Sachen dabei *__* Ich wünsche dir ja eigentlich keinen längeren reading slump, aber wenn sowas dabei rumkommt… ;)
hahaha :D deins sieht ja echt schon geil ramponiert aus X) ich mag das mit der Tardis und den Farbklecksen und hach <3 ich find das auch gut, wenn man manch Aufgaben da eher bissl freier interpretiert…vor allem wenn ich daran denke, dass mein Buch auf einer Seite von mir verlangt, dort tote Käfer zu sammeln XD
Das mit den Käfern hab ich auch und da hab ich mir schon Ideen im Internet zusammen gesucht, um da was Schönes draus zu machen :D
Dank dir und Thereadables will ich jetzt auch ein Wreck Journal xD Dabei bin ich doch so fürchterlich unbegabt was Kreativität usw. angeht.