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Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read list

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

Fall is my favorite season and I want to do nothing else but curl up in bed with a cup of tea and a good book! It’s also a bit overwhelming with all its new releases. It’s a real struggle to choose what book to read next and to list only 10 books of my fall TBR!



Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
One of my favorite series continues and I’M SO EXCITED! I’m going to reread the first two books first to make sure I remember all the important facts before I dive into this one. I MISSED MY RAVEN BOYS! <3

The Young Elites by Marie Lu
I loved Marie Lu’s Legend series and I could not have been happier about the news that her new series is going to be fantasy. Have you seen her Pinterest board for this one? I bet this is going to be REALLY good!

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
I don’t even know why I haven’t read this yet. When I got this from EW I wanted to read it right away because I’m so excited about this. This sounds just SO GOOD and the cover! I’m definitely not going to wait that much longer!



The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
At first I didn’t want to put this on the list because I will only believe that this is really coming out in November when I have it in my hands! I’m also going to reread the first two books before reading this one. It’s just been too long since the 2nd one came out (and I love the series…).

Waistcoats & Weaponry by Gail Carriger
I LOVE this series, even more than her adult series. Can’t wait to get back to Sophronia and SOAP <3 I NEED THINGS TO HAPPEN!

Catalyst by S.J. Kincaid
I can’t believe this series is coming to an end already. It’s another series I really love. I wish more people would read it. It’s so much fun and has awesome characters who are hilarious and adorable.

Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
A book inside a book! I love those kind of stories! And I’ve been waiting for a new book by him after falling love with his Leviathan series for so long!



Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch
I’m so happy that there are so many new epic fantasy series in YA coming out. I hope I keep being lucky with my choices when reading this one. So far I didn’t have any real disappointments with YA fantasy.

The Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley
One of those books I got from NG (and should have read by now) that I requested without really thinking about it. By now I’ve heard great things about it though and hope I love this new epic fantasy series.

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
PARALLEL UNIVERSES! That’s all I needed to know to want to read this book! (when I saw THAT cover though, I wanted it even more). And I already heard from other bloggers that it is good. Can’t wait to start reading it!


Which books are you going to read this fall? Have you read any of these books?

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  • A Thousand Pieces of You is on my list as well! The cover is so beautiful, and the description sounds so cool. I can’t wait until it comes out :)

  • Oh, der Post ist wohl vor dem Afterworldsdebakel entstanden ;D

    Ich freu mich natürlich am meisten auf Blue Lily :D Und vielleicht schaff ich es diesen Herbst/Winter auch endlich mal Bitterblue zu lesen. Oh und auf The Night Cirucs hab ich auch große Lust.

    • ja -.-

      Oh, Bitterblue fand ich super. Wenn auch nicht mein Liebling der drei,aber immerhin sind PO und Katsa wieder dabei <3

  • Blue Lily, Lily Blue: SO EXCITED. I devoured the first two books this year (no idea why I waited so long) and I’ve been impatient every since.
    The young elites: I still need to finish Champion, but I can’t wait for this one.
    Red queen: yes! I snagged a copy from Edelweiss too and I’m so curious. The cover is gorgeous.
    Snow like ashes: sounds so good. I think I will love this one :D The same with A thousand pieces of you (love this cover too)

    Happy reading!

    • Haha, better late than never! At least you didn’t have to wait that long between books :D

  • I’m intrigued with the idea of a book with parallel universes. Thanks for sharing!

    Here’s my Top Ten Books I’m Awaiting This Fall!

  • Ich musste ja mal kurz lachen als ich deinen Kommentar zu “Afterworlds” gelesen habe, das hat ja mal knapp die Erwartungen verfehlt :D

    Auf “A Thousand Pieces of You” bin ich auch total gespannt, das hatte ich direkt vorbestellt als ich Cover + Inhaltsbeschreibung gesehen habe^^

    Bei Marie Lu muss ich jetzt erstmal die Legend-Reihe fertig lesen und die neue Reihe ist mir glaube ich auch eh zu sehr Fantasy…

  • SO MANY GOOD BOOKS ON THIS LIIIIIIIIIIIST. I mean, I’m *assuming* they will be good book. Hoping. Red Queen, Snow Like Ashes, A Thousand Pieces, and Mirror Empire – REALLY excited to read all of those, except Mirror Empire is a bit farther down my TBR. I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOU TO READ THE YOUNG ELITES OMG. And I think we’re all DYING to read BLLB. Let’s be real.

  • Hach ja, The Young Elites, da bin ich auch schon unheimlich gespannt drauf. Ja, das Board hab ich gesehen, ist schon cool, wenn die Autorin selbst so gut zeichnen kann. Ich denke auch, dass es richtig gut wird, Legend hat mich ja schon geflasht.

  • I wasn’t as big of a fan of the Legend series as you seem to be, but I am curious to see what this one is like. I can’t believe I completely forgot to include A Thousand Pieces on my list!! That cover, amirite?

  • Blue Lily, Lily Blue I CAN’T EVEN. I need that book. Now. I cannot wait. Nope. Gaaaah

    (Also: Mara Dyer. Yes, yes, yes!)

  • So agreed about all the awesome new fantasy series starting this fall, I’m pumped for all of them :D

  • Natürlich steht Blue Lily, Lily Blue ganz oben auf der Must-have Liste. Das ist doch unser aller Herbst Highlight. :P Red Queen finde ich auch äußerst ansprechend (und nicht nur wegen dem schwer genialen Cover). Steht schon auf der WuLi.
    Und ich hoffe sehr, dass sich hinter dem tollen Cover von A thousand pieces of you ein genauso geiler Inhalt verbirgt.
    Obwohl das neue Marie Lu Buch gut klingt, warte ich noch ab. Da werde ich erstmal lieber das zweite Legend Buch lesen und dann schauen, ob ich den dritten auch unbedingt lesen will.

    Meine persönlichen Must-reads sind noch Die Seiten der Welt und das dritte Cinder Teil. Außerdem knöpfe ich mir jetzt bald das Grischa Finale vor und ja, die Anthologie My true Love gave to me darf nicht fehlen.

  • Och Mensch Crini, so bringst du doch nur meine Wunschliste zum platzen! Auf “Snow like Ashes” freu ich mich jetzt sehr, hoffe das geht fix mit der Auslieferung. Deine Wertung auf Goodreads sieht ja schon mal spitze aus! “The Red Queen” kannte ich noch gar nicht, hört sich toll an und landet direkt auf der Wunschliste. Frühjahr 2015 :-/ das dauert ja noch ewig!

    Liebe Grüße,

Sep 23, 2014