All About Books

25h Brandon Sanderson Read-a-thon

As promised Elena and me are hosting our first event for the A Year of Reading Brandon Sanderson challenge, a 25h read-a-thon!

This weekend we want to spend 25h together with you, reading Brandon Sanderson’s books. We are going to start on Saturday at 8pm (TZC) and will read until Sunday 8pm/9pm, depending on whether you live in a country where the time is changed this weekend  or not ;)

Everyone can join the read-a-thon (you don’t have to be participating in the challenge) as long as you spend it with reading a Brandon Sanderson book. During these 25h we’ll ask you questions about the book and have a couple tasks which are optional but fun to share.

You can either write a blog post about your updates and answers or just participate by tweeting, using#25hSanderson.



Every 4 hours (or in advance once we go to bed)  we will have a new question or task for you. They are completely optional and it’s up to you when you answer them. It would be nice though if you answer the first and last question at the start/end of the read-a-thon.

Start: Which book are you going to read and why?

+04h: Did you set yourself a goal for the read-a-thon? Have you read a Sanderson book before? If so, which one?

+08h: Where do you read? (Take a picture if you want!)

+12h: Who is your favorite character so far?

+16h: Your favorite quote from the book so far?

+20h: Who would you cast as the main character(s) in the book?

End: Did you enjoy your book? Any plans on reading another one soon?



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  • Uff, für die Challenge hatte ich mich ja auch angemeldet, daher ist das ja der perfekte Zeitpunkt, um mit Mistorn anzufangen, oder? Bin also dabei :)

    • Ich nehme mir dann auch endlich Mistborn vor, seit 2 Monaten wartet es schon sehnsüchtig darauf, gelesen zu werden. In den Ferien kann man sich ja wenigstens Zeit nehmen für so einen dicken Schmöker… und vielleicht noch Teil 2 hinterher…

  • Ich bin auf jeden Fall dabei! Bisher hab ich ohnehin noch gar kein Sanderson Buch geschafft, nun wirds Zeit! :) Ich werd dann einen Post dazu machen.

    Liebe Grüße,

  • Oh, I’m really going to try to participate! Still haven’t started reading any of the books, so I’ll start with Mistborn.

  • Voll die süße Event-Idee! Würde eigentlich gern mitmachen, aber hab irgendwie auch schon andere Bücher und Tätigkeiten für’s Wochenende geplant, also schaff ich’s wahrscheinlich nicht… langsam sollte ich die Challenge aber mal ernster nehmen xD

  • As if I’m going to be sleeping when there is Mistborn involved!

Oct 22, 2014