Last year I had the idea to mark places on a map that I visited through reading a book. Lots of people seem to like this idea and followed me in creating a google map. Around The World was born.

I want to do it again in 2015 and because we all noticed that most of our marks are placed in the US, I wanted to dp it as a challenge that motivates us to read books with more diverse settings.
This challenge will be just for fun. No winning and no lossing. There won’t be a giveaway at the end. You’ll be doing it just for you. This challenge is just to collect a list of people participating and comparing maps as well as having a motivator to look out for books with a setting outside the US.

If you want to participate all you have to do is:
- Create a google map
(A google map is optional. If you have some other map you can embed, you can use that one of course!)
- Embed that map somewhere on your blog
- Grab the button if you want and link to this challenge
- Enter the link to your blog post/page with the map
- Optional: choose one or more of the mini-challenges listed below
The “Rules”:
- There is no start and/or end date for when to join the challenge (latest date to enter a link is Dec 31th, 2015)
- A book counts if you’ve read it in 2015 (= started AND finished in 2015), no matter when you joined the challenge
- If characters travel to different places in the book, every place counts
Tip: you can connect places on a google map! ;)
- One book can count for multiple mini challenges
The mini-challenges:
These mini-challenges are optional! The main goal is just to have a map full of dots that are hopefully spread all over the world. Some of these mini-challenges are rather easy, others not so much. For some you can set your own goal of books you want to read.
- Read one book for each continent
- Read one book for each state in the US
- Read one book for each ocean (the character travels across the ocean, no matter how)
- The mountaineering challenge: climb the Seven Summits
- Three Poles Challenge: visit North Pole, South Pole and Mount Everest
- Visit a certain number of extreme points of Earth
- Read a certain number of books set in capital cities
- Read a certain number of books set in at least 5 different places (e.g. road trip books)
- Read a certain number of books that are set in two places from different continents
- Read a certain number of books within a 100km/1.5 Mile radius of where you live
- Visit a certain number of the most famous landmarks in the world
- A to Z challenge: Find a place for each letter in the alphabet
- Visit a certain number of countries.
- Read books from authors from a certain number of different countries.
- Read a certain number of books set in places you’ve visited yourself.
Here is a google spreadsheet that can help you keep track of your progress for these mini-challenges. IMPORTANT: go to the Read Me tab first to learn how to use it! This is a read-only file. You have to make yourself a copy within your google docs to be able to use it. (via File>Make a copy)
How to create and work with a google map:
- login with your google account
- go to
- click into the empty! search field and then click “my maps”
- click the “create” button
- Adding places: search for a place, then click on it on the map. The pop-up provides the option to add it to your map
Tip: you can use different colors and symbols! (eg for different mini-challenges)
- Connecting places: use the “draw lines” option under the search box
- Embed your map: click the folder in the box on the left and then choose “embed on my website”
Important! For this to work, the map must be public (via “share” in the top right corner)
Useful links to find books with diverse settings:
This is such a good idea, I just have to participate. I’ll make a page on my blog and enter then :)
I’m already looking forward to this so much! :D
Yesss! Have been waiting for it ever since I’ve heard you planned on doing this challenge!
Just one question: what about fantasy/dystopian novels that are set in an alternate reality/the future but have equivalents? Because If I can’t use those alternate places, I think I’m going to have a problem.
You can use those ;)
Awesome, thanks!
And another question about this challenge “Read a certain number of books that are set in two places from different continents”: Is this limited to two places or can it also be several places as long as they are on at least two different continents?
can be more than two places!
Perfect! Now I’m almost done with my challenge page.
What a FUN idea!
Rosie // Rosie Reads
This is such a cool idea! I’m doing it :D
Hi :)
This is a great idea! sounds like a lot of fun!
I want to participate :)
Here is my post with the map:
Thanks for participating! :)
You can enter your link in the form to appear in the list of participants! ;)
This is the greatest idea i’ve seen, i’ll make the page in my blog soon, i really want to participate.
Thank you ^_^
Ich bin auf jeden Fall wieder dabei, und werde deine Zusatzaufgaben definitiv aufnehmen. Bei mir beschränken sich die besuchten Kontinente nämlich auch nur auf Europa und die USA.
Bin wieder mit dabei :-) Und habe natürlich auf dich verlinkt.
Super, freut mich :)
Trag doch deinen Link in die Teilnehmerliste ein!? :)
Miss Bookiverse
Ich würde gern mitmachen, ich kämpfe allerdings noch mit den Google Maps D:
Habe meine Karte hier eingerichtet:
aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob sie öffentlich einsehbar ist. Es müsste ein Stern in Australien zu sehen sein xD
Ich hoffe ich kann auch mitmachen, wenn ich jetzt schon anfange Orte zu markieren, die Mini Challenges lass ich dann natürlich außen vor.
Noch ne Frage: kann man auch einen einzelnen Staat/Land markieren? Irgendwie krieg ich das nicht hin -__-
Ich sehe da aktuell keinen Stern :D
Also du musst die auf “Public on the web – Anyone on the Internet can find and view” soweit ich weiß (über den grünen Share button oben rechts)
Naja, eigentlich wars gedacht nur für die aus 2015. Ich mach mir jedes Jahr ne Neue. Du könntest ja vll für 2015 nen extra “layer” nur für die 2015 Bücher machen?!
Miss Bookiverse
Aah, ich glaube jetzt geht’s. Hatte irgendwie die falsche Karte eingebettet xD
Okay, dann mach ich das mit Extralayern, muss nur rausfinden wie, aber Layer hab ich schon irgendwo gesehen ;D
ach und wegen den Ländern: soweit ich weiß kannst du den Titel des Landes anklicken und dann setzt der das Symbol da irgendwo mittig hin.
Hallöchen. :)
Oh, die Challenge ist echt klasse, ich habe das immer gesehen, aber mich nicht richtig getraut, aber nun geht es los. :)
Ich habe die Karte klein in die Sidebar eingebunden, aber ich habe die Karte nochmal auf meine Challenge-Seite eingebunden. Hier der Link:
Ich glaube, das wird meine Lieblingschallenge in 2015. :)
Alles Liebe,
:-) Hello!
Germany is ready to start the Challenge! :)
My link to the Challenge Post:
If you want to be listed in the list of participants you have to enter your link yourself ;)
Done :)
Vanessa M.
Hallo Carina,
über Friedelchens Bücherstube bin ich auf deine Challenge aufmerksam geworden und möchte gerne mitmachen.
Hier der Link zu meiner Seite:
Viele liebe Grüße, Vanessa
Den Link bitte selbst eintragen! ;)
Ina Vainohullu
Hi Carina,
die Idee ist so toll, bereits im Januar bin ich auf deine Seite gestoßen und hab dann die Karte nur für mich geführt, das war schon recht interessant. Diesmal möchte ich mich anmelden und mit meinem Blog an der “Challenge” teilnehmen. Ich freu mich schon sehr darauf und bin gespannt wohin die Reise im neuen Jahr geht :)
Alles Liebe Ina
Super! Freue mich über jeden der mitmacht :)
I love this challenge! Looking forward to it :) This is going to be fun :)
Rosie // Rosie Reads
This is awesome, Crini! I had no idea I could make maps XD Ha ha! I’m participating!!!
Beautiful idea !
I’m looking forward to the start of the Challenge *-*
Greetings from Germany
Book For Thought
I love this! It’s such an awesome idea for a challenge. I’ll make a page on my blog over the next few days and enter then. Already looking forward to this :D
Great idea . We will also participate in it. I’m very curious how my card will be looking at the end of the next year :)
Greets Felan
Sorry but due to some problem with my internet connection, and my impatience, I seemed to have spamed you with three signups instead of one. I am really very sorry! Hope you can fix that.
No problem! Deleted the duplicates! And thanks for participating :))
(I should make some changes to the form so that can’t happen :D)
Emma @ Words And Peace
I did 52 countries some time ago, so I thought I could share my titles with you:
I’ve been working since, lamely this year on doing 1 book / state, so will work on that in 2015.
Hi. This is my first time participating in this challenge and I’m excited. I’ll come back to post a link to the page featuring the map. :)
LuAnn Braley
Looks like a lot going on! Count me in. I’m working on my map and sign-up post and will come back to link up.
Laura Michelle
I love love love this challenge it seems like so much fun and I can’t wait to see how many places I get to travel to through reading. I may have signed up multiple times Sorry, I was having some internet issues :)
No problem, I deleted the duplicates ;)
Hey, so this is the Link to the page on blog. I’ll try to keep up with marking all the places. I am also going to translate the rules and mini-challenges, so my german readers know, what I’m doing.
Cassandra @ Wickedly Delicious Tales
I’m not sure what I’m doing incorrectly, but it keeps saying “No valid email address!” I’ve tried with both of my email addresses, and it won’t take either one. :(
My challenge post is HERE.
Sorry! That wasn’t your fault and is now fixed! ;)
I’m really looking forward to taking part in this challenge :-D .. I’ve tried to link up to appear in the participants but I can’t :-( it keeps saying that I haven’t entered a valid email address!
Sorry! That’s my fault. Fixing it now!
Thank you :-D I’ve been able to add my link!
Joséphine @ Word Revel
Is there a special format that needs to be entered in the sign-up form? I keep getting the notification “No valid email address!” How do I sign up then? :(
Sorry! That’s my fault. I changed something and now everyone seems to have that problem. Fixing it now!
Joséphine @ Word Revel
Yay! Signed up! :D
Ali's Bookshelf
I’m super excited about this!!! I have made my challenges page and my map, two different links so here are both.
Silvia @ Bookzland
Hey! Such an amazing challenge, I would love to participate but I can’t sign up :( it says my email adress is not valid, what can I do? Thanks!
Sorry! Fixed it! You can now enter!
Hey :)
Das ist wirklich eine super Challenge :)
Mal schauen, ob meine Googlemap am Ende des Jahres von Punkten übersät ist :)
Ich hoffe es auf jeden Fall ;)
I will also take part! I’m going to try to add the first book in my map: Albright, Australia…very exciting challenge!
My Challenge page is this one:
Yay, awesome place to start with! :D
I already participate in the “Weltenbummler-Challenge” which focuses on countries. But I think it will be a real lot of fun to mark the places I’ve “been”, too. So I am really looking forward to read “Around the World” with you.
Thanks for the idea, the awesome button and the details how to create a googlemap. Never checked this ^^”
You’re welcome! and thanks for participating! :)
This is super fun! Thanks for the idea!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Dear Crini, I love the idea of the challenge. But after a discussion with a good friend, we thought we could do also a challenge which is similiar to yours. It’s also about travelling with books, but you can make Points with the Kilometers you’ve travelled. But I also want to join your challenge for the map only, I dont think I am going to make one of the minichallenges, Because I have a lot of Challenges in 2015… :D But I just love your design and the design of the Little banner, so, ya… I will have a full map in the end of 2015. It’s such a nice idea to follow the places, and I hope my Points aren’t just in the US… haha! I also participate your TBR Reduction Challenge, but in German… Yeah, I think you understand why, I’m really bad in english, and today I posted my first Review in two languages and I think there are so many mistakes, but it’s really nice to write in english to improve my skills… ;) I am going to emb the map into a new site and then I will leave another comment with the site… :) So… I think there was another Thing which I want to say, but I forgot it… Oh Gosh, haha. Anyways, I’m really excited for the Challenge. And I also like to make the Points on the Card whenever I finished a book, cause in the other Challenges I have to take a lot of time to update all the Challenges on the 31st of a month…
Lots of Love,
This sounds great! I just discovered it today. I will enjoy adding pins to my map as I read this year. I won’t formally attempt any of the mini-challenges, but I’ll enjoy seeing where I ‘go’ in my reading. I’ll create a page and will enter the link when it’s ready.
Please delete my comment. I’m not sure I will be able to participate fully.
Yes, this challenge is awesome! Definitely taking part!! :D
How do you add alternatives for fantasy worlds though? How would YOU do it?
Haha, I’ve already made a map like this all through 2014 and I still have no idea what to do about those :D
I’d love to join!!
I just started my Map here:
Janas Traumwelten
Hey :)
Die Challange ist echt toll, da mache ich gerne mit, habe meiner Challange Seite auch schon eingerichtet. Ich bin gespannt, auf wie viele Bücher ich nachher komme :)
Liebe Grüße,
This is fantastic! I love the idea and have shared it with others too!
Hey, das ist echt eine klasse Idee, da mache ich doch gleich mit :)
Hier mein Link:
count me in
Carolyn @ RIEDEL Fascination
Yes, it’s very nice to see locations other than the USA for a change. I am central, prarie Canadian. I will have lots of fresh options! The only thing is my slow speed internet; a map may lag too much for me to bother. What I would do at least, if that’s okay, is list all of my literary travels very nicely at my blog.
Also, I too have three challenges, to which everyone is invited! They run February 1, 2015 to February 1, 2016.
Erin @ The Hardcover Lover
I want to participate in this, but I’m a little confused… How do you make a Google Map?
Erin @ The Hardcover Lover
Oh wait… I think I might have it. I was a little confused. lol
Hi. I don’t know if I added my link once or if I did it twice. I couldn’t remember if I had signed up. Thanks for having this challenge. It’s a great visual to see where my reading is taking me. I noticed that I haven’t been to South America yet, so will be looking to do that. :)
Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde
I added my link, but I don’t see it, so here it is:
So excited for this challenge
Euisry Noor
This looks fun. I would like to join… It’s such a good idea.
Better late than never…
the page will be live shortly at
Hi, I am a little confused by min-challenge n. 10:
“books within a 100km/1.5 Mile radius of where you live”
100Km and 1.5 miles are nowhere near to each other, distance-wise. 1.5 Miles is only 24Km…
typo… 1.5 miles = 2.4 Km (not 24! that is 15 miles)
Therefore 100Km = 62 Miles
OMG! I have no idea where that 1.5 comes from LOL but yeah it should be about 62 Miles
Funny that you are the first to notice :D
Funny :-)
My page is now live!
…. and I had managed to submit my link incorrectly…
could you please remove my first entry, it has //2015 which is incorrect…
I have rejoined with the correct link:
Many thanks :-)
Sure :)
Hey Crini,
I want to join as well! Will create a map during the next week and let you know the link to my blog page.
Great challenge-idea :)
Happy to join! Messed up the first link however so if you could delete it, I would appreciate it.
Thanks for participating! (deleted the link for you)
This is an awesome and unique idea. I went a step further though and mapped out almost all the books I have ever read. It took hours of research, but was worth it.
Although, I read a lot, a lot of fantasy so I cant map out fairy worlds, planets, etc.
If my fantasy have a real world setting at some point in the story, I just use that. If not, I put them all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. :)
We only have a couple of months left. I just updated my map as I was a few books behind. I am loving this and have many of my teachers using a Google Map with their students this year so they can create a portfolio of the books they read. So much fun!
Laura :)
Es ist schön zu sehen, wie sich meine Karte im luafe des Jahres gefüllt hat.
Liebe Grüße
Gruss Gott, Crinni! Frohe Weinachten und alles gut in neues Jahr!
I need time to work all of the details out: where books went and where authors are born. I read 151 books and thus don’t have time to figure out where in England or the United States books were set. For my own Canada, I will try to be specific. As you say, this isn’t for prizes but for fun, so it is going to be enough work to figure out general countries. However this is my website. Please give me until tomorrow at least to finish it and then you will see where my reading travelled. :) Too many groups run from january to December, therefore this week has taken a lot of time. Please consider doing this again, by running your year from February – that is what I do. No rush, no stress. :) Sincerely, Carolyn.