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Top Ten Books I Want To Reread

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

I LOOOVE rereading books! If it weren’t for my huge TBR pile I would do it more often than I’m currently doing (I’ve reread 12 books so far this year). Rereading is awesome. Somehow books are always even better than the first time (and the feels even worse). I wish publishers would take a break for a year or two so that I can spend time on rereading all the books :D There are some books I love so much, that I want to reread them right after finishing. Which is why I came up with a rule for myself, not to read a book twice within 12 months.



Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

The Chaos Walking series is my absolute favorite series and if I had the time I would probably reread it every month. Instead it’s becoming a yearly reread for me. I’ve read TKoNLG 3 times now and everytime the feels got worse. Not sure why I’m doing this to myself but I just love this series so much.

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

I guess I’ve only got myself to blame that I want to reread this right now SO BAD BUT I’M “NOT ALLOWED” TO REREAD YET >.< Thanks to the Brandon Sanderson read-a-thon, a lot of people have read/started this series these past few weeks and everytime I saw a progress update, I wanted to start rereading. December/the holidays can’t come any sooner!


Top 10 rereads 2

The Diviners by Libba Bray

I can’t believe it’s already been 2 years since I’ve read this. I loved this one so much that I read it one day. I’m definitely going to reread this one before the next book comes out.

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

This book was so complex that I definitely need to reread it before I can start the second book but I also loved it so much the first time that I want to reread it anyway. Now I only need to find the time because I’ve got like 10 books on my list that I want to reread in December.

The Archived by Victoria Schwab

WE’RE GETTING A NEW SHORT STORY FROM WES’ POV!!! Reason enough to break my 12 months rule and reread this again before I read this new story.

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

I’ve only just (re)read this series but I already want to start all over. It will probably have to wait though until sometime around the release of the last book.



The Thery of Everything by Kari Luna

I loved it when I first read it and I need to reread it because #Pandalove!

More Than This by Patrick Ness

I pretty much want to reread every Ness book all the time, especially in a year like this, without a new book by him.

Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys

One of my favorite historical fiction books. I should probably read her other book, the one I haven’t read yet, first but I loved this one so much and it’s already been so long since I last read this….

John Cleaver by Dan Wells

This series is getting another three books, a whole new trilogy which means I need to reread the first three. It’s been 2 1/2 years since I read the last one and can’t remember much.


There are a lot more that I feel like rereading right now (not even talking about all the rereads I want to do someday) like  The Flight of the Silvers, Ready Player One, Tell The Wolves I’m Home, The Marbury Lens, … and I like to reread books in a series when the next one comes out. I’m definitely rereading more books in 2015!


Do you reread books? Which books are you going to reread next?

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  • I’m definitely going to reread The Diviners before its sequel comes out. I’ve seen The Bone Season on a lot of lists so I’m going to pick that up soon.

    Great list! You added a lot of books to my overflowing TBR, lol.

  • Okay, I soooo need to read The Raven Cycle! I’ve heard so many awesome things about it! Nice list! :)
    My TTT

  • If I could read Raven Boys for the first time again, I would. I’m so happy to see these books on so many people’s lists! They’ve got such a special place in my iddy biddy heart <3

  • Your list is just reminding me that I need to READ Patrick Ness for the first time. I would also really love to reread The Raven Boys again. I still haven’t read Dream Thieves & BLLB yet (shame on me I know) but as far as Raven Boys goes…what a rereadable series!

Nov 04, 2014