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Top Ten Books I’m Looking Forward To In 2015

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

10!? ONLY TEN? HAHAHA! More like 50! My top 3 is simple, because those are from favorite authors and series I absolutely LOVE. After that it get’s really hard to choose though. I would just rather show you all the book from my most-anticipated shelf on GR.


A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab

I already got to read the first 130 pages AND LOVED IT SO MUCH I NEED THIS NOOW! I might even preorder both editions right away because I just know I will love this book and both editions are awesome. (my review of the first 130 pages)

The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

Duh, it’s a new book by Patrick Ness!

The Raven Cycle #4 by Maggie Stiefvater

I’m so not ready for this. I can’t believe it’s already coming to an end. Can’t we have a couple more books PLEASE!?



Armada by Ernest Cline

It’s been way too long since RP1 came out and this book was supposed to come out in 2014! I NEED this.

Lairs of Dreams (Diviners #2) by Libba Bray

I always prefer waiting over a book that just isn’t what it’s supposed to be but I really can’t wait any longer for this one! 

Fairest (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5) by Marissa Meyer

Also: Winter!!! I’m so excited that we get to read two more Lunar Chronicles books and both in one year!


The Mime Order (The Bone Season #2) by Samantha Shannon

The Bone Season was SOOO good and I can’t wait to see where this series is taking us next!

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

A new series and it sounds EPIC! Have you seen her pinterest board for this one?!

The Devil’s Only Friend (John Cleaver #3) by Dan Wells

It’s been a while since I’ve read the original trilogy (and I will probably reread that one first) but I couldn’t be more excited about this!

Throne of Glass #4 by Sarah J. Maas

Because I desperately need to know what happens next!!!

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  • Oh, I can’t wait for Ness’s new book either! The excerpt he once read sounded so funny. *-* (And there’s The Raven Cycle, of course. I should really continue reading BLLB. I managed to read the first 28 pages, and then uni happened.)

    But am I the only one who isn’t excited for Fairest? xD I’m not particularly interested in Levana, so it’s only a book that makes me wait for Winter even longer – and that kind of ruined it for me. :( I’d probably be more interested in it if it was published after Winter.

    • Haha, I just love reading books from the villain’s POV and seeing how it all started (and how Levana really looks like) is pretty awesome imo :D

  • Auf A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC freue ich mich auch schon sehr. Das große Raven Boys Finale ist auch eh großes Must-have. Aber erstmal freue ich mich noch auf Buch Nr. 3.
    Auf THE MIME ORDER muss ich hingegen noch bis Herbst 2015 warten, da ich ja die deutsche Übersetzung lesen werde.

    • Ich glaube ich werd Mime Order auch nicht direkt lesen. Wollte erstmal noch einen Reread vom 1. machen und wer weiß wann ich dazu die Zeit hab :D

  • A darker shade of magic has such an interesting cover, I can keep looking at it and the blurb sounds so good.
    The raven cycle #4, A court of thorns and roses, Fairest & TOG #4 are the books I need DESPERATELY.

    • We pretty much need it to be 2015 already, haha. (December doesn’t have any notworthy books coming out anyway imo :D)

  • Well, Armada just got added to my shelves — I love RPO! I’m looking forward to The Mime Order as well, it’s such an interesting universe.

  • Great picks! A Court of Thorns and Roses is one of my most anticipated reads of 2015, I can’t wait to get my hands on that one. 2015 is going to be a great year for books, I can’t wait. I hope you enjoy them all when you finally get to read them :) Here’s my STS.

    • I feel like 2015 is going to be the best year for YA so far (but I’m also afraid that my expectations will ruin it :D)

  • A Darker Shade made my list too! I like the other cover better. Yay for more Cinder! I like that it’s a villain’s story. I think Court of Thrones made all the lists today! So many books on your goodreads list don’t even have a title yet!

    • I actually preordered the other edition of A Darker Shade of Magic but I love them both and in the end I will probably get this HC too. From what I’ve read so far, the book is totally worth owning two editions :D

  • 2014 has been such a great year for YA, but I’m thinking 2015 is going to be THE year…SO MANY GREAT BOOKS COMING OUT. I’m especially excited for Lair of Dreams from your list, because I’ve been waiting for that sequel for far too long now. I also really want to read The Rest of Us Just Live Here and A Court of Thorns and Roses…I’m sure I’ll be super excited for the fourth book in The Raven Cycle (even though I don’t want it to end), The Mime Order and the fourth book in the Throne of Glass series as soon as I’m caught up. :)

  • A Darker Shade of Magic sounds wonderful and 2015 can’t come fast enough >< A Court of Thorns and Roses sounds really good, too! And you're right – her Pinterest board looks amazing. I haven't read the Throne of Glass series or The Raven Cycle, actually, but I'm thinking I should – I actually have the first book in both series lying around somewhere, but then life kind of got in the way, and… D: And, um, is it bad that I didn't know the Diviners was a series? Now that I think about it, with that ending, it should've been obvious, right? *smacks self*

    • YESSS, YOU SHOULD!!! Haha, but I know what you mean. I’ve got so many books I’ve been planning to read for ages but somehow there is always something else…

      Haha, no it’s not bad! I mean the first book came out in 2012! After such a long time one might not think that there is more to come :D

  • A darker Shade of Magic is on my list too. Have you read Vicious? It has been one of my top reads this year!
    Of course like pretty much everyone else I am also looking forward to “Winter” definitely one of my favourite YA series.

  • Irgendwie reizt mich “A Darker Shade of Magic” mit den Covern und dem “Parallel London”-Setting ja auch ein wenig, allerdings bin ich mir da nicht so sicher ob das wirklich was für mich sein könnte…

    “The Diviners” wollte ich ja auch schon längst mal gelesen haben, da könnte ich ja das Erscheinen des zweiten Teils endlich mal zum Anlass nehmen um das nachzuholen^^

    Beim John-Cleaver-Buch hoffe ich ja noch auf ein alternatives Cover das zu den Ausgaben passt die ich habe/kaufen werde…

    • Wenn du mal Lust auf Fantasy hättest dann wäre A Darker Shade of Magic glaub ich schon was für dich. Hab ja schon die ersten 130 Seiten gelesen und da war nix mit Liebesgeschichte (besser: Brüder+ Freundschaft :D) und es ist schon etwas düsterer.

      Diviners soll ja glaub ich ein Vierteiler werden und wenn die immer 2-3 Jahre dazwischen braucht, würd ich ja eher dazu raten noch zu warten XD

      Ich finds das TOR cover eigentlich total cool, aber passend wäre schon schöner. Habs daher auch noch nicht vorbestellt. Mal sehen ob da noch was kommt :D

  • I’m soooo excited for Winter! I want to read Fairest, but I’m also afraid since I don’t do well with novellas D:

Dec 02, 2014