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Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)



  • Empire of Night (Age of Legends #2) by Kelley Armstrong
    I’m still SO happy that she started writing epic fantasy. I loved the first book and can’t wait to read the next one.
  • Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson
    I’m slowly running out of Sanderson books. It was awesome to always have a few unread books by him that I could choose from but I’m reaching the point where I have to wait for sequels to come out D:
  • A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR #1) by Sarah J. Maas
    I can’t wait to start a new series by Maas! I hope it’s as good as ToG.
  • The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron
    It’s fantasy about a thief, pretty much my number one favorite topic and I’ve been meaning to read this since I heard of it for the first time.
  • Siege and Storm (The Grisha #2) by Leigh Bardugo
    I finally got the last book in the series which means that I’ll binge read the last two books soon. I can’t wait to finally meet Sturmhond^^




  • Get Even (Don’t Get Mad #1) by Gretchen McNeil
    It’s about time that I read this one. I really liked her previous novels but as I’m not really into contemporary anymore, I never really felt like reading it.
  • Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee
    I’m going to reread this one and then read World After and End of Days right after!
  • Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge 
    I really liked her first book, Cruel Beauty, and can’t wait to read another retelling.
  • Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley 
    I don’t even remember anymore what this is about but I love going in blind. I just hope it’s as good as the cover is pretty.
  • Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke (PoNaFog #2) by Anne Blankman
    Every year I plan on reading more historical fiction but never read more than 5-10 even though I always enjoy them a whole lot. The first one in this series is great and I hope this one will be just as good.

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  • Great list! I really want to read Crimson Bound. That cover is so beautiful.

  • ACOTAR made my list too, although I haven’t even started Throne of Glass yet. I just love the premise so very much! I really hope it’s going to be good!

    I also have the whole Eli Monpress series lying around. How about you letting me know when you’re about to start and I’ll join you if I have the time?

  • Awesome list :)
    I loved the Grisha series and can’t wait for ACOTAR even though I wish it was the next ToG instead.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  • I think the next Sanderson book I’ll read is Warbreaker because I’m too angry and heartbroken over Mistborn and not ready for Firefight just yet.

    I didn’t like Cruel Beauty all that much but I loved Crimson Bound which I think is strange because those two books have so many similar elements. I guess that has more to do with the difference in retellings than the similar elements. Anyway, I’m pretty sure you’ll like it a lot.

    Whee, Siege and Storm and ACOTAR!

    Angelfall reread will be amazing.

    I think I need to check out Age of Legends series and The Legend of Eli Monpress…

  • Ja, ich glaube langsam ist es wirklich mal an der Zeit das du die komplette Grisha Reihe liest. Sturmhond ist nämlich ganz nach deinem Geschmack ^^

  • I also am really excited about reading Crimson Bound and Magonia. I can’t believe I knew nothing about the Angelfall series until a few weeks ago. I have the first two on my kindle now and am going to binge read them in anticipation of the third. The series sounds fabulous!

    Love the presentation of your list!

  • I can’t wait for the 3rd book in Penryn and the End of Days! Oooh and ACOTAR! I put Crown of Midnight on my list though, because I am completely invested in Celaena’s life so far! ^^

  • I heard great things about Sanderson, never read any books of the author but perhaps I should. Love your list :)

  • I am 100% here for A Court of Thorns and Roses even though I haven’t read it yet. I can’t wait to get my hands on it! I truly hope it’s good; I’ve heard mixed things, and that scares me juuuust a bit. I have so many Sanderson books left to be read! I got ~100 pages into The Well of Ascension but I’ve basically put the book in time out because I’M STILL REALLY BROKEN OVER KELSIER. *cries* I just need some time to heal and prepare myself before diving back into such a book, you know? Eek. :(

    Siege and Storm is fantastic and was my favorite of the trilogy. Angelfall is a GREAT book with awesome characters and a VERY slow building romance that I adored. I’ve been meaning to get my hands on Prisoner of Night and Fog but just haven’t been in the right mood for it yet. :/ Hopefully soon! I’ve heard great things about it.

    This is an awesome list, Crini. <3

  • I just got Shadow and Bone as well as Siege and Storm from the library today. I keep hearing how great they are.
    I have seen A Court of Thorns and Roses on a lot of lists this week.
    Thanks for sharing!

Mar 17, 2015