All About Books

All About Books turns five!

I can’t believe that it’s already been five years since I decided to start blogging! It really doesn’t feel that long but I’m glad that even though I often thought about giving up on it, I never did. Five years seems like such a big milestone to me and it motivates me to keep going (10 years Terri!!! ;D).

So a big thank you to those who keep reading my blog, even though I had my ups and downs and times of absence. Even after five years it still amazes me that people keep coming back. I cherish every single comment from you guys and I’m just SO very thankful! (for accepting my thanks, use code word pandalove down below! :P)

I wish I could tackle hug you all for real right now. Talking about books with you means the world to me and I’m incredible grateful for all the lovely people I got to know because of blogging. 



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As a thank you for following All About Books you can win one of the following three prices

1×3 bookmarks
1×2 bookmarks
1×1 bookmark

The winner can pick any bookmark(s) currently available in my etsy shop or a custom design if possible.

The giveaway is open internationally! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  • Hach… wie die Zeit vergeht…! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Crini Bieni! Auf ganz, ganz viele weitere Jahre!

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 5. Bloggeburtstag! Bei mir werden es im Oktober fünf Jahre und mir geht es wie dir – wo ist nur die Zeit geblieben? Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spaß am Bloggen und bin neugierig wohin dein Weg noch führt und wie sich dein Blog weiter entwickeln wird :)
    Liebe Grüße, Melanie

    • Wahnsinn oder? :D Finde es auch interessant wie extrem viele Blogger 2010 angefangen haben!

      • Und vor allem wie viele von ihnen noch dabei sind! Nicht nur, dass es damals anscheinend eine richtig gute Zeit war um einen Blog zu beginnen, wir scheinen alle auch noch Durchhaltevermögen und so viel Spaß daran mitgenommen zu haben :)

  • *Comes in bringing cake and singing Happy Blogoversary* Congrats on making it 5 years! Here’s to many more!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch :)

  • I already congratulated you on Twitter, but to make it official I’m going to say CONGRATS again over here. 5 years is an amazing achievement and I hope to have you around for many more years :) Much pandalove for you ;)

  • Wow, I had no idea you’d been blogging for so long! Congratulations!! Have you always read/blogged in English, or did you start in German? I’m so glad I found your blog however many months back that was. :D

    • I was blogging in German for the first three years and then decided to switch (best decision ever!)

  • Happy blogoversary Crini! Five years is such a long time so congratulations! And your bookmarks are absolutely GORGEOUS.

    I’m soo glad we met (years later but still!)

    You are doing such a wonderful job at this blog(and etsy and EVERYTHING), you deserve ALL THE AWARDS!
    *celebratory cake and confetti*

  • Alles Gute! :D Schön, dass es deinen Blog schon so lange gibt und er immer noch atmet :D
    Meiner wird auch 5 diesen Monat fällt mir da ein, huch, hab ich ein bisschen verpeilt xD

    • Haha, ich hab mich noch dran erinnert, dass deiner im gleichen Monat war und hab schon gewartet wann dein Post kommt :D

      • Äh, ich glaube mir fehlt gerade die Muse für einen extra Post, werde ich wohl einfach im Monatsrückblick abfrühstücken… und so was zum 5jährigen, tzee.

  • OMFG CRINI!!!! I feel like I am such a loser for finally getting completely like… IN THE LOOP. All this time I thought I had been following you on instagram, and then I realized I hadn’t been… so I followed you. And now my feed is filled with all of your awesome book photos and those gorgeous, gorgeous bookmarks! AND NOWWWWWWW I find out that you have an Etsy shop where you SELL THEM!! YES!!!!! I am SO buying some right now. XD

    Oh yeah, also, holy crap — happy 5 years of bloggery! You’re a superstar! <3

    • Thank you, thank you anf thank you!
      Haha, I’m actually surprised because I thought you were following me too!? Weird :D

  • Awww, congrats! I’ve always loved your blog. It was one of the first I followed and the reason I wanted a blog myself. You’ve always been such an inspiration ♥ !

  • HAPPY FIFTH BLOGOVERSARY! That’s a really long time of being around. Haha. And yet there always are new and exciting things that happen, like your foray into Etsy :D *throws all the confetti*

    • Thanks!
      Right! It never gets boring with you awesome people around!

May 16, 2015