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Top Ten Books On My TBR For Summer 2015

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

I love putting together TBRs! I often fail at reading all the books that I put on my list but I love writing the lists so who cares. I don’t prefer a specific genre or theme in summer, so this is just a random collection of books I’m super excited to read during the next few months, some ARCs, some new releases and some I should have already read when they came out but didn’t have time for until now.


Lair of Dreams (The Diviners #2) by Libba Bray
After almost three years it’s finally here!!! I absolutely loved The Diviners, it’s one of my favorite books and I devoured that brick of a book in only one day. (Let’s not talk about the cover redesign!)

Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley
If the story is even half as good as the cover is pretty I’ll be happy. I’ve been wanting to read this for so long that I already forgot what it is about so I can go in blind which will be interesting!

Updraft by Fran Wilde
I got this completely on a whim but it sounds like a fun fantasy.


Beastly Bones (Jackaby #2) by William Ritter
Jackaby was such a fun novel I can’t wait to read more about those characters.

Armada by Ernest Cline
Please be good!Please be good!Please be good! I’m a bit scared that I’m expecting way too much from this one after RPO.

Knight’s Shadow (Greatcoats #2) by Sebastien de Castell
Another sequel to a book I loved. The first book in the series was great. I just hope I remember enough.

Zer0es (Zer0es #1) by Chuck Wendig
I already read a few pages of this one but couldn’t get into it back then. I hope I just wasn’t in the mood for it and that will change. Usually I enjoy everything Chuck Wendig writes.


The Dinosaur Lords (The Dinosaur Lords #1) by Victor Milán
LOOK AT THAT COVER!!! That’s enough for me to get super excited about this one. I can’t wait to read this and I’m so happy that this is the start of a new series. We need more books about dinosaurs!

Legacy of Kings (Blood of Gods and Royals #1) by Eleanor Herman
This sounds AMAZING. This better be good!

Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke (Prisoner of Night and Fog #2) by Anne Blankman
I don’t read enough historical fiction, I really don’t. I loved the first one in this duology and hope the 2nd is just as good.

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  • Love this list. I have the ARC for Legacy of Kings and I have heard great things about it. It sounds amazing. That one made my list as well.

  • Lecasy of Kings seems to be everywhere these days!

  • The cover for Updraft makes it look fun — I have no idea what it’s about but I want to read it! And I’m expecting a lot from Armada too, I have such high hopes!

  • I’m rubbish at keeping to my lists too but I always make one haha :-) Some great choices here! I’m excited to read Armada and Magnolia sounds really good :-) I still need to read Jackaby! Hope you get to read some of these :-) Here’s my TTT if you would like to check it out :-) Have a great day! :-)

  • I just finished Magonia. I listened to the audiobook and it was FANTASTIC. Jackaby is on my list for this summer, so I imagine I’ll be adding Beastly Bones soon after!

  • Quite a few of those are on my TBR as well.

    I read Legacy of Kings and I absolutely loved it. Hope you do as well when you get a copy.

Jun 16, 2015