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Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For the Rest of 2015

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

OMG, putting together this list makes me cry. 2015 seems to be the year of books being pushed back and I just can’t handle that one of my favorite series won’t continue this year (Looking at you TRC!). Nevertheless, there are still a few epic books left coming out this year and I can’t wait to read them all.


Armada by Ernest Cline
Talking about books that got pushed back…It’s about damn time that this one comes out. I LOOOOOVE Ready Player One and if Armada is even half as good then I’ll be happy. 

Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amy Kaufman
I can’t even put into words how excited I am about this book. Not only does it look AWESOME but it’s also by Jay Kristoff. I’m expecting A LOT!

Black Widow: Forever Red by Margaret Stohl
I’m scared that I’m so excited about this one. I mean it’s a BLACK WIDOW novel and the cover looks so bad ass, but I don’t know how to feel about that it is by Margaret Stohl. I really hope she suddenly gained these epic writing skills and made this an awesome story. 


Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
Who is not eagerly awaiting this one?^^ This series is getting better and better and we all know this one is going to be epic!

Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer
I can’t believe that this series will be over this year! I really don’t want it to end but I’m also excited to read this. The preview in Fairest was already amazing and I know I will love Winter+Jacin so much.

Shadows of Self (Mistborn #5) by Brandon Sanderson
A NEW MISTBORN NOVEL! I couldn’t be more excited!

Manner’s & Mutiny (Finishing School #4) by Gail Carriger
Another series that ends this year which I don’t want to be done with yet. I’m also a little scared of this one because of what happened in the previous book.


Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin
I mainly put this on my wishlist because VE Schwab said it’s amazing but it also sounds pretty good and like nothing I have read before.

Daughter of the Dusk (Midnight Thief #1) by Livia Blackburne
The first one in the series surprised me a lot last year. That book was not at all what I expected and I can’t wait to see where it’s going next. 

The Dinosaur Lords by Victor Milán
Dinosaurs… that’s all I need to know.

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  • Hach ja, Armada… Ich hab mittlerweile fast ein bisschen Angst das zu lesen weil die Erwartungen inzwischen fast unrealistisch hoch sind :D

    Illuminae hab ich auch auf der Beobachtungsliste weil ich diese Erzählweise mit E-Mails, Berichten, Interviews etc. immer cool finde, allerdings hab ich da so ein bisschen Angst vor dem “Romance”-Part^^

    Der 5. Mistborn-Band kommt auch schon in diesem Jahr? Den hatte ich noch gar nicht auf dem Zettel. Kommt denn da auch zeitgleich die Gollancz-Ausgabe oder muss man darauf noch länger warten?

    Wolf by Wolf klingt auch irgendwie cool, vor allem der “Inglourious Bastards”-Teil. Da fällt mir auch ein dass ich eigentlich noch “The Walled City” von dem lesen wollte :D

    Und Dinosaur Lords kann eigentlich nur geil werden :)

    • Also wenn Amy Kaufman das nicht total verhunzt (ich hab von ihr noch nichts gelesen) dann wird die Liebesgeschichte ganz bestimmt nicht schlecht/die eigentliche Geschichte total einnehmen. Ich vertrau Jay Kristoff da mal :D

      Die Gollancz Ausgabe kommt auch direkt raus (6. Band übrigens auch direkt im Januar), ABER nur als HC erstmal. Die PBs kommen genau ein Jahr später :/

      • Hö, wieso kommen Band 5 und 6 denn so kurz nacheinander? (also nicht dass ich mich beschweren würde :D)

        Muss ich mal gucken ob ich dann die eBooks nehme oder noch ein Jahr warte, die HCs werden es bei mir bestimmt nicht, das würde mich im Regal zu sehr stören :D

        Band 4-6 ist dann auch wieder eine abgeschlossene Trilogie oder? Dann würde ich es eh irgendwann wieder in einem Rutsch lesen, das war bei Band 1-3 auch ganz gut dass ich die fast direkt hintereinander gelesen habe, so konnte ich dann viel besser die ganzen Zusammenhänge nachvollziehen (bei meinem Gedächtnis…)^^

      • Weil die deutlich dünner sind und der sowas mal eben so weg schreibt. Der hat ja immer ein großes Projekt (Stormlight Archive) und nebenbei schreibt der dann allerhand anderes Zeug. Normalerweise immer 1 Buch und einige Kurzgeschichten und dieses Mal dann eben 2 Mistborn Bücher :D
        Ne, bleibt nicht bei ner Trilogie. Gibt doch noch nen vierten Band.

  • Urgh, totally with you on TRC, my heart broke and there was much wailing when I heard about that one. But there are still so many awesome books out this year! I cannot wait for Gail Carriger and Sarah J Maas! And the Black Widow book looks intriguing but I’m wary same as you… Fingers crossed it turns out well…
    My TTT

    • True! We’ll still be busy with reading all the other new releases! And 2016 will be even more epic.

  • I really want to read Armada too! It sounds AWESOME! Still need to start the Lunar Chronicles oops, the covers are stunning too :-) I’m a new follower so hiya! Here’s my TTT if you would like to check it out :-) Have a great day!

    • Haha, at least you can binge-read the series and don’t have to wait between books! :)

  • Nearly half of your list are also on my TTT.

    I’m a new follower, figured since we like the same books I cannot wait to read some of your reviews.

    • Thank you! I’m definitly going to check out yours in return!!

  • I want to read Armada too- it sounds brilliant! :-) I need to start the Lunar Chronicles! I’ve only just begun the Throne of Glass series and I’m loving it, I can’t wait to read on :-) Here’s my TTT if you would like to check it out! :-) Have a great day!

  • I’m pretty sure QoS has been on almost every ones list hahahaha! It’s a eagerly awaited one, that’s for sure.

  • There’s a lot of hype about Illuminae, but I’m nervous because Amie Kaufman’s other series is really just a romance masquerading as a sci-fi. I was so disappointed by it. I haven’t read anything by Jay Kristoff, though, so hopefully this Illuminae will actually be sci-fi.

    I’m excited for Wolf by Wolf because of Schwab as well, haha. Also, I love Inglorious Bastards, so it should be good.

    At least we have Queen of Shadows and Winter to look forward to, but they don’t make up for The Raven King. :'(


    I’ll wait for you to see how you like Wolf by Wolf because I didn’t like the author’s earlier work (All That Glows or something). But I really need to read Midnight Thief sometime this year. And oh, The Dinosaur Lords looks so interesting! Also need to read Gail Carriger books.

  • We have several of the same books on our lists! And my husband is very impatiently waiting for The Dinosaur Lords as well. Your reasoning is the same as his…they are dinosaurs. lol

    My Top Ten

  • I don’ know how I haven’t read any Gail Carriger yet. I just glanced at her books on Goodreads and they look so fun. The Dinosaur Lords also looks great. The concept reminds me a little of Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan.

  • QUEEN OF SHADOWS. I need this book in my life. Now.
    Winter is also going to be epic. It will be hard to say goodbye to this series though.

Jun 09, 2015