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Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn’t


(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)

I don’t have that many books that I wanted to read but didn’t get to, at least barely any MUST read books. Some of them are sequels for which I wanted to re-read the other books in the series first, other are just books I didn’t find the time for. All of them are on my to-read list for 2016 though. 

Shadows_of_Self_Brandon_Sanderson The_Dickons_Mirror_Ilsa_J_BickThe_Devils_Only_Friend_Dan_Wells

Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson
The Dickens Mirror by Ilsa J. Bick
The Devil’s Only Friend by Dan Wells


Swords and Scoundrels by Julia Knight
Knight’s Shadow by Sebastien de Castell
Wake of Vultures by Lila Bowen
Time Salvager by Wesley Chu


Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke by Anne Blankman
The Liar’s Key by Mark Lawrence
The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen


Have you read any of these books? Should I read any of these ASAP?

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  • Oh god, all these series I didn’t even start but want to. I hope you’ll get to all of them this year!

  • The Devil’s Only Friend sounds utterly fascinating – I’d never heard of it before, but I’m definitely going to need to give it a try!
    I’ve heard amazing things about the Invasion of the Tearling, but I haven’t actually read Queen of the Tearling yet… That’s something I’m going to work on :)

  • An interesting looking list. I can’t even recommend 1 over another as I have read zero of these myself. I even still need to get to The Queen of the Tearling, that’s how behind I am!!! >.< I hope you manage to get to some of these in 2016.

  • Hey

    A Conspiracy of Blood & Smoke is so so so good. I love these series :)


  • I never continued reading Mistborn after the first three. Are the others as good? I started The Queen of the Tearling but didn’t think it was all that special so I didn’t finish it.

  • I just looked up the DARK PASSAGES series on GR and OH MY GOD, “In the tradition of Memento and Inception”?? I definitely need to read this (even though I’m a bit uncertain because of the average rating which seems pretty low?)

    I planned to read the fourth John Cleaver book last year, too, but didn’t even manage to read the third one so far /o\

    I’m actually a bit surprised you haven’t read the 5th Mistborn book already but I guess you’ll do it after your reread of the first trilogy?^^

    I definitely want to read TIME SALVAGER soon but I haven’t decided yet if I might still want to wait a little longer to be able to read the sequel straight afterwards… :D

  • I didn’t realize Time Salvager was on your to-read list (or maybe I just forgot, haha), but I’m glad. Wesley Chu is actually going to be at the Victoria Schwab signing later this month, although I’m not sure I’ll get to meet him.

    I didn’t like Invasion of the Tearling as much as the first book, so I’m curious to see what you think about it.

    Let me know when you want to start your re-read of the Jon Cleaver series. :D

  • Such a great list!! I’ve now added Wake of Vultures to my TBR list on Goodreads. A lot of these are series I’m hoping to start this year like Mistborn, The Queen of the Tearling, and The Red Queen’s War. Although, you would know best, do I need to read The Broken Empire series before The Red Queen’s War??

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  • I really recommend “The Devil’s only friend” and “Conspiracy of blood and smoke”. Not necessary books for everyone but great if you enjoy those types of books and since you read the Prisoner of Night and Fog you know what you in for for that one :)
    Fantastic list, with great books. :)

  • Heard about all of them, but never read them. Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke by Anne Blankman looks so good ;-)

  • I must say I’m surprised you haven’t read Shadows of Self yet. I expected you to devour it the second it was published ;D . But as an avid series rereader myself, I totally get you. It’s just so much fun to have everything fresh in your memories when going into the next book.

    I still haven’t read Prisoner of Night and Fog and Queen of the Tearling yet although both were much anticipated releases. Can’t believe they came out years ago, though! Time just flies ..

    • I mostly didn’t read it because it arrived about a week after the release and by then I’ve already seen some reactions to the ending and thought it might be even more fun to read it together with the next one.
      (and now that I’ve reread them all I know it was a good decision because there was quite a lot that I forgot about, as always)

  • I haven’t read any of these, but I’ve got Prisoner of Night and Fog and The Queen of the Tearling on my TBR this year and hoping I’ll enjoy both enough to move on to the sequels :D I hope you’ll get around to all of these books this year!

  • I haven’t heard of most of these books, but I will have to check them out! #commenting365

Jan 12, 2016