What even happened to August? Like, where did it go? I probably wrote something similar about July, and June, …. and May, but August was just weird. I wanted to read ALL the books but mainly read short fiction just for my number of books to go back up again.
Favorite Reads
I didn’t read many great books this month. It was especially disappointing that I started the month with a book that isn’t even released yet but already made me feel like a black sheep.
First reads
- Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
THIS. BOOK! So addictive. I’ll have a full review coming up later but for now: I haven’t had many new favorites this year, but Dark Matter is definitely one of them.
- The Warren by Brian Evenson
I’m a big fan of Tor.com’s shortfiction and The Warren is one of its gems. It’s weird AF and some might complain about the ending but I loved it.
- Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
Another novella that I really liked. Set in space, with a unique premise and a POC as a main character.

At first I thought this was going to be a surprisingly bad month for re-reads but then all of a sudden (while I was reading Driven) I had this urge to re-read The Darkest Powers trilogy again.

Favorite Songs
I’m probably going to merge my August playlist with my September playlist because I’m so not done with it yet. I also discovered that Innerpartysystem’s The Download EP is excellent music to listen to while running.
Favorite Shows and Movies
I barely watched anything the second half of this month (but binge watched all the more during the first half) and can’t wait for all my favorite shows to come back in September. The only reason why I like it being September tomorrow, really (besides gingerbread etc being available again LOL).
- I finally watched Ex Machina and loved it. It was definitely weird, but good weird.
- Suits is as good as ever, but I’m not sure if I like Rachel’s part at the moment. Yay for the girls getting their own story and for Rachel being more than just Mike’s girl but I’m not a fan of Rachel so…
- I rewatched all Resident Evil movies. It started with just one that I wanted to watch because of Wentworth Miller *cough* and ended in a full marathon. Guilty pleasure for sure.
- Made my way through the rest of Broadchurch and I have only one question: how long until season 3?
- I finally binge watched Preacher (I wasn’t impressed when I watched the first episode way back) but I actually quite liked it.
How was August for you? Did you read any good books?
Cait @ Paper Fury
I swear the year is going far too fast.? I’m not reeeeady. I STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO DO. *flaps about getting nothing done* I did read quite a few good books this month! Including a re-read of Six of Crows which made me VERY happy. <3 I love those little psychopaths. And I finished off the Seven Realms series which was AMAZING. And Prince of Thorns. So so stabby and I like. (Yes I have a problem … I like all the stabby books.?)
(I'm listening to your playlist and I like!!)
And I love your photos in this post. ? As usual!! I love your photography style!
Ex Machina is amazing! And kind of creepy… I did expect it to be like that when I saw it in the cinema.
August felt really long to me, probably because the weather here was so miserable, and I was wishing I was still in Germany. :P Dark Matter was definitely one of my reading highlights of the month as well, along with Every Heart a Doorway. :)
I didn’t even realize you had started Broadchurch until your last monthly recap, and now you’re already done. XD (Not that it’s long, haha.) I’m glad you liked it. I think we have a while to wait until season 3, unfortunately. I’m looking forward to buddy watching shows with you again!