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Review: BZRK Apocalypse by Michael Grant


Noah and Sadie have seen death, and it holds no fear for them. Madness does, though. And losing each other. But they will not sit back, helpless witnesses to an invisible apocalypse. The world is being destroyed from the inside out. It’s time to take up the fight once more, in the streets and in the nano. And they’ll give everything they have to stop the Armstrong Twins. But are the Twins the ultimate enemy? Nobody has ever known the identity of Lear, the shadowy leader of BZRK. Just who have they been fighting for? As madness spreads like a plague, one thing becomes terrifyingly clear: this was Lear’s game all along. And Lear hasn’t been playing fair.

My thoughts

Michael Grant did it again. He wrote another perfect ending to an amazing series. This series consists of three action packed and thrilling books that I couldn’t get enough of. In this last one he wraps up all the strings and delivers an epic conclusion that’s just as good as the first two books.

A mind-blowing story right from the very first page

Michael Grant goes right back to where he left off in the second book. No introduction, no looking back, right to the core of this series, the action. This story is fast paced and action packed from the first page onwards until the very end. When you think you know what’s coming after having read two books about this mad concept, you are wrong. This story delivers just as many surprises, is still able to amaze and blow your mind and is just as thrilling as its prequels. If you liked the first two books, you will definitely like this one just as much.

A new player in this game who is even more insane than the others

As if the amount of insane people wasn’t enough already we get to read about a new character in this one. Or maybe not new by itself, but we get to see a whole new side of a character. And that one might be the maddest of all of them.

An abstract concept that’s easy to imagine

These books are packed with all different kinds of scifi concepts but the good thing is that Michael Grant is able to describe the most amazing and wicked technologies in ways so that it is easy to understand and imagine them. I loved to learn about all these different tools and the things Michael Grant came up with. They were both fascinating and frightening at the same time.

A satisfying ending with lots of twists and turns

When I started reading this I was sure that this was not going to end well. After everything that happened and was still going to happen I couldn’t imagine that even one of these characters would make it out of all this without either ending up in a mental institution or being dead.
And I’m glad that I can say that the end Michael Grant chose for all these characters was perfect. He ended it in a way that was the only realistic option under the given circumstances and it was a very satisfying one.


An action packed, mad and violent series comes to an end and Michael Grant wrote exactly what I needed for this ending of a fabulous series. I had to say goodbye to some of the most interesting villains I have read about and some great characters who all got the ending they deserved. Let’s just hope that inventions like these don’t become real in a way like this.

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May 15, 2014