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Top Ten Books I’ve read so far this year

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)



1. The Martian by Andy Weir
2. The Flight of the Silvers (Silvers #1) by Daniel Price
3. Steelheart (Reckoners #1) by Brandon Sanderson
4. The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) by Brandon Sanderson
5. The Unbound (The Archived #2) by Victoria Schwab


6. Red Rising (Red Rising #1) by Pierce Brown
7. BZRK Apocalypse (BZRK #3) by Michael Grant
8. Dreams of Gods and Monsters (DoSaB #3) by Laini Taylor
9. Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3) by Marissa Meyer
10. Saga by Brian K. Vaughaun, Fiona Staples


I’ve already read so many good books this year I could have easily made a list of at least 15 titles for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. 2014 is my year of Brandon Sanderson. If I keep going like this then I’ve read all his books within a year. Last week I read The Martian which was surprisingly hilarious and quickly became a new favorite of mine. Another surprise for me was Saga which is the BEST comic I’ve ever read (not that I read that many but there is nothing as epic out there as Saga). And another surprise was Red Rising because it’s SciFi but feels like Fantasy. Its wordbuilding is epic. The rest are books of series I already loved. Both BZRK and Daughter of Smoke and Bone got great endings to their series and Unbound + Cress are great additions to some of my favorite series.


Which books are your favorites so far this year?

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  • Yes, amazing choices!

    I’ve most of these on my to-read shelf especially Mistborn, The Archived, and Cress. Gah.

    Dreams of Gods and Monsters is my absolute favorite of this year as well as Since You’ve Been Gone. Perfection.

  • Da sind wir uns auf den ersten Plätzen ja ziemlich einig, ich hab nur noch “The Three” zwischen “The Martian” und Flight of the Silvers” geschoben :D

    Immerhin ist mit “The Martian” ja auch eins von unserer Liste ganz oben, dann fällt die Bilanz schon mal nicht ganz so katastrophal aus wie mit den drei Flops im letzten Jahr xD

    “Red Rising” hab ich ja auch immer noch auf dem Zettel, mal gucken wann ich das mal angehe, ich bin ja nach “The Martian” gerade immer noch ein bisschen im Mars-Fieber^^

    Bei Michael Grant müsste ich erst mal die Gone-Reihe anfangen bevor ich mir noch was neues ins Regal hole (wenn da doch endlich die Ausgabe mit dem neuen Cover zu bekommen wäre… :D)

    Btw: “Flight of the Silvers” ist Silvers #1 ;P

  • Sanderson keeps popping up everywhere I look. I definitely need to pick up one of his books this summer, it’s going to be one of my goals. I read and loved Cress last year <3 I need to catch up on Laini Taylor's series by picking up the second book.

  • Definitely also Sanderson’s books! “The Way of Kings”, “Words of Radiance” as well as “The Hero of Ages”!
    “Warbreaker” was really good too but not as awesome as the others.

    Apart from that I enjoyed reading “The Twelve” by Justin Cronin and “The Shining” by Stephen King.

    At the Moment a lot of people seem to be excited about the books by Marissa Meyer. Maybe I should have a look at that too.

  • Woah, alles Bücher von meiner Wunschliste! xD Ich erwähne das sicher bei jedem zweiten Kommentar, aber irgendwann breche ich mal bei dir ein und klaue einfach dein halbes Regal :P

  • Except for Cress, I haven’t read a single one of your picks – maybe that’s why I haven’t had that many great reads so far this year ;) . I should probably get started on the Mistborn trilogy and The Archived soon. If I just had the time to do so.

  • hach, Flight of the Silvers war wirklich großartig! das hab ich ja auch irgendwie dann inhaliert XD dachte erst, dass ich ewig dafür brauchen werde haha. Bei The Martian komme ich grade irgendwie nicht so recht rein :/ liegt aber höchstwahrscheinlich an meinem Prüfungsstress, ich lese quasi im Schneckentempo… uff. Ach und Saga <3

Jun 10, 2014