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10 Reasons Why You Should Read Anna Dressed In Blood



Welcome to week two of Hallowread 2014! Did you enjoy Inferno Park and Rosie’s posts???

Next up is another spooky paranormal: Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake!



Anna Dressed In Blood:

Cas Lowood has inherited an unusual vocation: He kills the dead.

So did his father before him, until he was gruesomely murdered by a ghost he sought to kill. Now, armed with his father’s mysterious and deadly athame, Cas travels the country with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat. They follow legends and local lore, destroy the murderous dead, and keep pesky things like the future and friends at bay.

Searching for a ghost the locals call Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas expects the usual: track, hunt, kill. What he finds instead is a girl entangled in curses and rage, a ghost like he’s never faced before. She still wears the dress she wore on the day of her brutal murder in 1958: once white, now stained red and dripping with blood. Since her death, Anna has killed any and every person who has dared to step into the deserted Victorian she used to call home.

Yet she spares Cas’s life.



10 Reasons Why You Should Read Anna Dressed In Blood:

  1. This is a ghost story which makes it a perfect book for October/Halloween!
  2. If  you usually don’t like to read scary books then you should give this one a try. It has gory details of murder and death but it’s not too horrific. 
  3. Well developed and just overall great characters: self-destructive,brave, sarcastic MC, a geeky sidekick and not your average high school queen
  4. Pop Culture references: Buffy, Ghostbusters, Supernatural, The Shining!
  5. If you are really into ghosts, this one is for you! You get to read about different kinds of ghosts and how to get rid of them.
  6. It is set in Ontario, Canada!
  7. Family and friendship are important aspects of the story.
  8. It’s everything but your typical paranormal love story! Not cheese at all and it doesn’t black out the rest of the story. It’s a perfect blend of horror and romance.
  9. Heartbreaking background stories.
  10. Fast paced, original plot.

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  • Unfortunately I am way too slow -.- Still reading Inferno Park :D
    The Anna-book sounds like The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. And they also have a cat! Aww

Oct 11, 2014