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Top Ten Fantasy Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read Yet

(TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)


Okay, I can believe that I haven’t read these because I haven’t been reading Fantasy for that long but still… I really really want to get to these books SOON, hopefully this year.


Some of these are sequels I need to get to: Words of RadianceSiege and Storm  and Red Seas Under Red Skies. I don’t even know why haven’t read them yet. WoR is a really big book that I don’t want to read over weeks, but the rest? Could have already read them… I’ll get to them soon!

And then there is that endless list of series I want to start: The Warrior Heir (because I LOVED her other series), Finnikin of the Rock (because it sounds like a unique series), Lord of the Rings (duh!), His Dark Materials (don’t judge me!) and some about dragons: Seraphina and Eon because dragons!


Have you read any of these? Any I should read sooner rather than later?

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  • Hmm… Lord of the Rings fand ich in Buchform ja eher zäh, obwohl ich die Filme liebe. Musste mich da ganz schön durchquälen aber vielleicht ist das ja bei dir mit den Filmen und den Büchern genau andersherum…

    Die “His Dark Materials”-Reihe hatte ich mal ne Weile auf dem Zettel als der “Goldene Kompass”-Film rauskam aber ich glaube ich hatte die Bücher gleich mit von der Liste gestrichen nachdem ich die Narnia-Reihe abgebrochen hatte. Aber die Pullman-Bücher sollen glaube ich ja auch besser und nicht so christlich sein^^

    • Wenn man bedenkt, dass die Kirche gut dabei war, eine Verfilmung von Band 2 zu verhindern, kann man wohl sagen, dass His dark materials nicht sehr christlich ist ;) Die Reihe ist und bleibt für immer in meiner Top 10.

  • Seraphina! Perfect time to start since the second will be released this year ;)

  • Seraphina is on my list as well. I just read the fist Lord of the Rings last month because I am a terrible person and put it off that much.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • WHAT?! YOU HAVEN’T READ LotR YET?!!!!!!! That’s like the most iconic work of high fantasy out there. I know a lot of people have difficulties with the writing style and think it too slow, but you have to try at least. I love it so very much although I did have difficulties when I read it the first time. But hey, I was only eleven back then.

    I still haven’t finished the His Dark Materials series either. I really like the concept of the novels but as far as I can remember, they are also very slow. Maybe I’d see things differently now too and I’ve been planning on getting back to the series for over two years but never managed to do so.

  • I need to read a lot of these as well. I included The Gentleman Bastards series and The Lumatere series on my list today as well. Seraphina is definitely happening for me next month when Shadow Scale comes out. Siege and Storm is great, you need to meet Sturmhond! And I’m a big fan of the the His Dark Materials series. Great list!

  • I’m pretty much the only one in the community, but I felt underwhelmed by Finnikin. I was expecting something that would give me all the feelings, but I was so bored.. I did like Eon, a lot and Siege and Storm is my favorite part of the series.

  • Oh jeder liest momentan die Bücher von Brandon Sanderson, ich glaube, dem kann ich mich auch nicht mehr lange entziehen :D
    Finnikin of the Rock will ich auch bald lesen! Für LotR wünsche ich dir viel Geduld, die wirst du brauchen, glaube ich xD Zumindest ich habe eeeewig dafür gebraucht. Besonders, weil eines der Bücher (oder zwei?) ganz komisch aufgeteilt sind, aber das siehst du ja dann :)
    His Dark Materials habe ich auch erst letztes Jahr gelesen und fand es echt nicht schlecht. Nicht so umwerfend, wie viele immer sagen, aber doch ganz gut, ja… :D

    Liebe Grüße

    • Mich macht es auch total glücklich dass gerade so viele Sanderson lesen. Hab mich als ich damit angefangen hab noch so allein gefühlt XD

      Gerade solche Kommentare halten mich auch immer noch von LotR ab XD

  • I’ve read LOTR, but that’s it from your list. I need to read more Sanderson since I LOVED the Mistborn series. His books are just so dang huge that sometimes I shy away from them. Silly.

    Happy TTT!

  • I really loved Eon/Eona overall. (there were some slow moments.) The duo kind of came out of nowhere, I wasn’t expecting them to be as good as they were. I too wanted to read them because of dragons.

    The Warrior Heir series was so disappointing for me. I too loved her other series, but I really disliked the main characters so I had a hard time making it through this one and listening to their motivations. But maybe you’ll enjoy it?

  • Wenn ich bedenke, dass Fantasy lange mein Lieblingsgenre war, ist es erstaunlich, dass ich in den letzten drei Jahren kaum Fantasy gelesen habe (vllt. ist das Germanistik-Studium schuld?) Von deiner Liste habe ich jedenfalls nur LoTR gelesen – in der dreibändigen Ausgabe und mit dem Atlas dazu, da hatte ich das Gefühl ich komme gut voran. His Dark Materials steht hingegen schon seit Ewigkeiten auf meiner Wunschliste und ich schiebe es immer wieder vor mir her…tjajaja…..

    liebe Grüße, Cara

  • Penelope Hunter

    I must admit I also haven’t read lord of the rings yet either and I read a LOT of fantasy. I’ve been reading a lot of books from these lists recently and discovered some real classics but one book I haven’t seen as often as I would have expected is David Kuklis’s Escape From Netherworld. It’s a very recent novel so I imagine it will start showing in all these kinds of lists over the coming years. If you haven’t read that one yet, you have to find yourself a copy. It really is one of the best fantasy reads I have ever known. Fantastic writing, great ideas and original concepts, really cool and well developed characters. This book just has everything. An instant classic for me.

Feb 03, 2015