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Best of April 2016

April Recap

April was all about The Raven Cycle because The Raven King came finally out. I think it hasn’t really hit me yet that it is actually over. I keep re-reading the series, I keep thinking about the series, I keep talking about the series and it just doesn’t feel like the end just yet because I’m still right in the middle of it, kind of. At the same time I’m super emotional though BECAUSE it is the end. Basically, my feels are all over the place and I don’t know what to do with myself these days.

Favorite Reads

I spend half of my month only reading the The Raven Cycle books and apart from that I mostly re-read other books. Only a third of the books I read were new to me books which was glorious. With all these re-reads, 2016 is the best reading year I’ve ever had. I did read two very great book for the first time though:

  • The Lost and Found by Katrina Leno
    THIS BOOK!!! It’s like a love letter to Internet friendships and the portrayal of anxiety is A+++.
  • The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler
    This is a book about a book!!! And a mysterious family history and carnival and mermaids and… It’s super magical.

Both books moved directly to my must-re-read-someday list.


I knew I would spend a big part of April with re-reading The Raven Cycle but I am surprised how many books I re-read overall. There were a few spontaneous reads that just had to happen at the time.

April is proof that I like to get pynch-ed in the feels.

Favorite Songs

I’ve never had such a long playlist as in April before, but I just put a lot of songs on it that fit my feels while waiting for The Raven King. So not really anything new but of all those, my favorites were:

  • Unravel Me by Jojee
    My ultimate Pynch song and I won’t stop listening to it anytime soon. *sneakily moves to May playlist*
  • Heavydirtysoul by Twenty One Pilot
    Their album was probably what I listened to most all month
  • Feels by Kiiara
    That title couldn’t be more accurate to describe what April was like

Favorite Shows and Movies

  • Agents of Shield: JFSJDAHFDHAFADFASDKF FITZSIMMONS and a certain Goodbye *cries*
  • Criminal Minds: Don’t even talk to me, I have too many feels I can’t deal with rn.
  • Gotham: still surprised how damn good season two is. I’m so glad that this show never disappoints.
  • iZombie: THAT SEASON FINALE. After that ending I’m already very excited for the next season
  • The Catch: such an exciting new show! I love it. I love stories about heists and thieves so this is perfect for me
  • Friday Night Lights: I can’t believe I watched a show about American Football, but I did and I loved it.
  • Blindspot: I love this show so much. There wasn’t a single disappointing episode yet.
  • Quantico: How did this show get so good? I was sure I would stop watching after a while but the second half of the season is GREAT.
  • Pacific Rim: oh hey, it’s already April and this was only the first time I watched it? Embarrassing.

Favorite Moments

  • getting promising news about a thesis topic
  • when a “how cool would it be if…” turned into IT WILL HAPPEN IN 44 DAYS.
  • holding a copy of The Raven King
  • putting up another hand lettered design on Redbubble and Society6 because I don’t make enough time for those, so when I do it’s special 

How was April for you? Did you read any great books?

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  • Hi Crini.
    The books all sound fantastic.
    I don’t know any of the songs…
    I disagree about Gotham. I have several problems with the show. I don’t care for the violent and gruesome nature of the show just being done for shock value. The second half of season 2, though, has been different. The violence actually gives the characters some background, and there has not been NEARLY as much gratuitous gore.
    All of the characters are well done. I love the casting, but I cannot get behind Jim Gordon. He is a murderer and an executioner. {btw – I am put out with team Flash. They purposely killed an innocent, 18 year old boy.}
    As I am not a gore-hound, I was slow to pick up IZombie, but since the brain eating is obviously jello, it does not bother me. I like it that they save their hyper-violent episodes for the season finales. IZombie has the best arc going!
    Happy Reading!
    ~Icky. :-)

  • Gahh, that first paragraph is so accurate.

    I guess the only way to top this reading month is to read all of these books AND ADSOM/AGOS. xD

    I’m so glad you liked FNL \o/

    Yay for promising news!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh IT’S HAPPENING. :D

  • I toooootally concur with all the Raven Cycle feelings. *SHRIEKS* I cannot WAIT for my copy to arrive because I’m re-reading immediately. I have too many questions and afjdklasd I was so nervous/anxious reading it the first time so I’m sure I missed a lot. (I listened to an audio too, so my heart BREAKS that I couldn’t save any quotes. PARTICULARLY ALL THE PYNCH QUOTES.) It then gave me a horrible hangover. Nooooo book compares to the Raven Cycle. Ahhhhhh.
    Omg but your new design is AMAZING. ? You are so incredibly talented.

  • I read Katrina Leno’s debut The Half Life of Molly Pierce and absolutely adored it, so I am so glad to hear that The Lost & Found is just as good. :) Definitely going to have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous recap! ♥ Hope May is just as amazing for you!

  • I think I also keep rereading because I can’t believe The Raven Cycle is over. I think I need to read other books and then it’ll actually hit me…

    I’m so pumped to read The Lost & Found soon.

    Haha I love that you actually keyboard slammed about FitzSimmons but YESSSSS, FUCKING FINALLY. \o/

    Aaah, I totally want to start watching Gotham after that clip you linked me. Why is it so easy to convince me to start watching new shows? XD

    Unravel Me forever!

    I LOVE the direction they took iZombie in. All those deaths were so freaking satisfying especially the ones in the elevator. =D

    Sia made it to your April playlist! Very surprised but yay!

    • YESS, watch Gotham! It’s surprisingly good considering it’s DC LOL but the villains are all amazing!

      LOL why are you surprised about Sia? XD

      • Gotham was definitely on my watchlist the year it premiered but I never got around to watching it. I definitely want to watch it now because of the villains. =D

        Surprised because I had NO idea you even listened to her songs let alone like them. XD

  • I still haven’t finished The Raven King! (It is my current read though, I’m not ready for it to be over.) I love the new design you made and I can’t wait to be able to place my Society6 order to get it. Love the graphics you used in this post, it really makes the post stand out nicely.

    • I think it will only really hit me that it is the end, when Maggie publishes her next non-TRC book. I’ve been spending too much time with this series to understand that it’s really over haha

      SO glad to here that! thanks! <3

  • I love this post! It was such fun to read and really updated me with what’s happening in the movie scene right now. I haven’t been to the cinema in an embarrassingly long time!!

    Nihaad – Read and Seek

  • The Book Of Speculation sounds wonderful and I have it added to my Goodreads now, thanks to you! I also want to reread the ADOSAB series before Strange the Dreamer comes out, and I think the audiobook sounds like an excellent idea.

Apr 30, 2016