All About Books

Recap: February 2017

February AKA the month that broke me. A month that started out well with me reading quite a few great books and ended even better with me obsessing over Shades of Magic (watch me still doing it all through March) and being a complete and utter mess because IT’S OVER. GOODBYE. NO MORE KELL AND LILA AND HOLLAND AND RHY AND ALUCARD *sobs*

All them books

February took my rereading to a whole new level: Out of 17 reads, only 5 books were new to me and I might have read some books twice… or thrice #noregrets

Scarlet; Cress; Winter by Marissa Meyer | audiobook reread
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab | another reread
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab | reread 2x
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab | read 3 times in a row, once via audiobook
The Dark Side by Anthony O’Neill | Such a fun, morbid book
The Last Colony by John Scalzi | LOVE how this series always offers something new
Everything All At Once by Katrina Leno | MY FEELS
Of Sand and Malice MadeTwelve Kings by Bradley Beaulieu | reread for book 2
Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day by Seanan Mcguire | a new favorite novella
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins | reread; so deliciously dark
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline | reread via audiobook (Wil Wheaton is the best!) 

All them movies and shows

Didn’t really feel like watching a lot this month and fell behind on quite a few shows, only keeping up with my favorites.

Young Justice | I love this so much! I already see myself rewatching once I’m done
Brooklyn Nine-Nine | all caught up and I hate myself and the world rn
Suits | mmmmh, not sure I still care tbh
Agents of SHIELD | S4 is getting better and better. THAT LAST CLIFFHANGER THOUGH
How to Get Away With Murder | What a mindfuck of an ending, as always
This Is Us | Don’t mind me, just sitting here, crying

All them songs

Should probably just cancel this part for now because there isn’t much to tell. I’m still obsessed with ONE OK ROCK and listened to Against the Current and All Time Low’s new song “Dirty Laundry” a few times and that’s about it.

How was February for you? Read any good books?

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  • Wow you had an amazing month of reading done!! :O
    The Dark Side sounds so good, I must read it one of these days!

    This month I read a lot of eARC because they were almost at their expiring dates and I really didn’t want to miss them: I loved All systems red, Winter Tide and Queens of geek :D
    I’m also still reading Lab Girl since January but I’m loving it, even if I’m reading it super slowly haha

    • I’m so behind on all my eARCs, I’m always impressed when I see you reading and reviewing them in time!

      Yes, definitely try The Dark Side! I think you might like it too

      • Hahah?? I don’t get that many eARCs so that’s not too much work! Plus I mostly only post reviews of the ones I liked best, or if I have things to say! ?

        I will look for it then! ?

  • I was sending out thank you cards and learned that one of our friend has the last name “Holland.” Of course I drowned in feels and had to take a break. xD

    You still watched more than I did! I finished season 4 of Suits and haven’t watched anything since. I want to watch This Is Us ASAP!

    Did I read any good books? LOLLLLL

    • Hahaha, I swear I see Shades of Magic everywhere these days, even just tiny little details totally not related LOL

      I ALWAYS watch more than you do :P but this is not even half of what I usually watch. You definitely need to watch This Is Us! Best show to fill the hole that Parenthood left behind.

  • Wow! It sounds like you read a ton of great books this year! I’m glad you enjoyed them all so much. :) Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous recap! <3

    • Thank you! I’m definitely choosing the right books for me so far this year.

Feb 28, 2017