All About Books

Recap: March 2017

March was… weird. I can’t really say that I’ve been more busy than usually (and that normally makes me read more than when I have a lot of time anyway) but somehow I didn’t get to a lot in March. I didn’t finish a lot of books (only started like two dozens *ahem*) and didn’t watch much TV either. Don’t even get me started on music this month, because I’m just gonna cut that part from the recap this time.

All them books

I barely had any time for audiobooks in March which meant I (re)read a lot less. I definitely need to up my audiobook game again in April. Only three rereads (instead of 10+) just doesn’t feel right. I read some great books (besides the two I DNFed), including a new favorite (Small, Angry Planet) and a long awaited sequel that was even better than the first book (Song of the Orphans).

The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
Caraval by Stephanie Garber (DNF)
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab (reread)
Agents of Dreamsland by Caitlin R. Kiernan
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly
Brother’s Ruin by Emma Newman
Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig (reread)
Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
The Song of the Orphans by Daniel Price
Crossroads of Canopy by Thoraiya Dyer (DNF)
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
Mockingbird by Chuck Wendig


Fun fact: the less I read, the more new books I get. March was definitely proof of that. Which is why I decided to include my book buying in my recaps now. Maybe having to write down the whole list will make myself buy less next time (ha, haha, hahaha, as if).

Thunderbird by Chuck Wendig
The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis
The Song of the Orphans by Daniel Price
Shadow & Claw by Gene Wolfe
Hope and Red by Jon Skovron
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly
Hunger Makes the Wolf by Alex Wells
The Last Mortal Bond* by Brian Stavley
The Mirror Empire* by Kameron Hurley
ADSOM* + AGOS* by V.E. Schwab 
Lightless by C.A. Higgins
Skullsworn by Brian Staveley
Ship of Destiny by Robin Hobb
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet* by Becky Chambers
A Closed and Common Orbit* by Becky Chambers
The Song Rising by Smantha Shannon
Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan
The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
The Shadow of What Was Lost* by James Islington
Borderline by Mishell Baker
The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley
Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan
Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames
Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty
The Abyss Surounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
Godblind by Anna Stephens
Necessary Monsters by Richard A. Kirk

*books I already had, but got an additional edition of

All them movies and shows

I currently enjoy binging shows a lot more than watching an episode a week, so three completely new shows on the list this time. I also watched surprisingly many movies. More than I usually watch in like 3 months together.

Young Justice | the one show I don’t binge because I want it to last <3
Suits | last season ending seems like a good point to stop imo
The Flash | as always: MY FEELS
Legends of Tomorrow | only watched one episode because COLD
This Is Us | the last few episodes had me in tears
Criminal Minds | What a mess…
Designated Survivor | SO GOOD (should have waited until S1 is complete though
Good Behavior | a new favorite! I need S2 ASAP
One Day at a Time | why isn’t EVERYONE watching this???

Nocturnal Animals | LOVED this movie, great concept/idea
Zodiac | why did I only watch this now??? Really good one too!
Legend | rewatch because I was in the mood for some Tom Hardy
American Ultra |  I missed like half the movie but it wasn’t bad?! LOL
Bastille Day | Obviously good because Idris Elba

How was March for you? Read any good books?

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  • I also had only 3 rereads, and I feel like I might not have any this month, even though I really want to reread ACOL. I haven’t read my hard copy yet!

    Gaaah, I still need to watch This Is Us, but I don’t think think it’s on Netflix or Amazon yet. I told Sebastian we have to start One Day At A Time next, though. Bastille Day was good!

  • I read two books in March but definitely catching up this month!
    Oh geez, I feel like Suits has lost that suave vibe it had. So boring now. I tried Legends of Tomorrow a few days back and naw. I really wish Marvel tried harder. Take note from Daredevil and Jessica Jones. With this, Legion and Iron Fist, there’s so much drag and so little action.
    I see Caraval’s rating and I weep because I need more magical realism that isn’t crappy. Whyyy.

  • Okay, but you need to listen to Flor. They don’t have a lot of music out but I like their sound already.

    I also reread only 3 books but since I’m planning to reread Miriam Black, I’m sure the reread count will go up again in April.

    Meanwhile, I just buy books like crazy regardless of the amount I read LOL.

    You might also want to watch the last two episodes of Legends of Tomorrow. They gave Cold an ending all right, but I don’t know how I feel about it yet?

    I haven’t even heard of Nocturnal Animals, Zodiac or Bastille Day so I’m even more out of touch than usual ha ha.

Apr 03, 2017