All About Books

Recap: April 2017

This year is flying by so damn fast and I don’t like it. I have no idea where April went and I really wouldn’t mind if we could slow down a bit. (or…maybe not, because I also really want it to be October 31 now AKA the day the ADSOM special edition releases. WHERE IS MY TARDIS)

All them books

Besides one book that I DNFed and that was so horrible that I’m blatantly ignoring its existence, I had an excellent reading month. Mostly 5 star books and everything else was a 4-star read. My highlights (besides the obvious well loved rereads) where Killing Gravity and Company Town! Both diverse scifi stories with great characters.

Killing Gravity (The Voidwitch Saga #1) by Corey J. White 
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness 
Company Town by Madeline Ashby 
Thunderbird (Miriam Black #4) by Chuck Wendig 
This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity #1) by Victoria Schwab 
Aftermath (SW: Aftermath #1) by Chuck Wendig 
A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic #3) by V.E. Schwab 
The Perfect Weapon by Delilah S. Dawson 
Skullsworn by Brian Staveley
A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab 
A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarer #2) by Becky Chambers 
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab 
Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty 
The Last Mortal Bond (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #3) by Brian Staveley 
The Cormorant (Miriam Black #3) by Chuck Wendig 


My book buying didn’t go as crazy as last month but I still got a shit ton of books in April. I obviously need all these new books while I keep rereading my favorites. 

Welcome to Night Vale (Night Vale #1) by Joseph Fink
Release by Patrick Ness
A Darker Shade of Magic* (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab
Bookburners by Max Gladstone
Killing Gravity (The Voidwitch Saga #1) by Corey J. White
vN (The Machine Dynasty #1) by Madeline Ashby
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet* (Wayfarer #1) by Becky Chambers
Star Wars Catalyst by James Luceno
Before The Awakening by Greg Rucka
Change Agent by Daniel Suarez
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
The Half Life of Molly Pierce* by Katrina Leno
God’s War (Bel Dame Apocrypha #1) by Kameron Hurley
Aftermath* (SW: Aftermath #1) by Chuck Wendig
Life Debt* (SW: Aftermath #2) by Chuck Wendig
The Bloodprint (The Khorasan Archives #1) by Ausma Zehanat Khan
Mort (Discworld #4) by Terry Pratchett
The Crimson Campaign (Powder Mage #2) by Brian McClellan
Food of the Gods (Rupert Wong #1-2) by Cassandra Khaw
False Hearts by Laura Lam
City of Strife (City of Spires #1) by Claudie Arseneault
Waking Gods* (Themis Files #2) by Sylvain Neuvel

*books I already had, but got an additional edition of

All them movies and shows

I’m still more in the mood to binge watch than watch shows week for week so I’m behind on some of my usual shows and watched others instead.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Only just started this but having a lot of fun
Broadchurch – Binged the 3rd and last (*ugly cries*) season. Just as good as the first 2
Taboo – Binged S1 and can’t wait for S2! SO GOOD (I might be biased, because Tom Hardy)
Doctor Who – new season, new companion and OMG I LOVE her!
Game of Thrones – finally binged S6 after I lost interest in S5 and WOAH, that was good.
Agents of Shield – Love, love, love the current situation and all the pain it brings.

Indiana Jones – it’s always fun to revisit old classics and never growing tired of the treasure hunter plot
Deadpool – Comic Con made me watch it and while it wasn’t bad, I just laughed at how this whole mess only happened because this guy couldn’t handle not being pretty anymore
Beauty and the Beast – mmmh, not bad at all but I guess not really for me

All them songs

After two months of almost no listening to music I’m finally back in the game. I’ve hadn’t had such a long playlist in a while. My teenage heart was extremely happy about new songs by All Time Low, Blink-182 and Paramore. And because I only discovered She is We at the last day of the month, I immediately copied them to my May list, so I already have a good start into that one too.


How was April for you? Read any good books?

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  • I’m glad to see someone else has read and loved Company Town! Also Six Wakes, one of my favorite books lately. Wow, you read so many, I wish I had the time to read more:-/

  • Whaaaaat, you’ve already seen season 3 of Broadchurch?! (I forgot that you’d watched the first season, lol.) Is it really the final season? You should watch Happy Valley next!

    I’m really excited to read Killing Gravity. I hope my library gets the ebook! I liked Company Town a lot, but at the same time I was also SO CONFUSED 75% of the time. And half the mystery wasn’t even resolved at the end.

    My favorite thriller of the month was Final Girls, which was completely addictive from page one.

    • As far as I know, it really is the very last one (and the very end kind of felt like it).
      Is Happy Valley a crime show too? Gonna check it out!

      LOL what were you confused about? I didn’t have that problem haha. And killer + motive was revealed!? What wasn’t revealed for you?

      • It is! And the first season was even more painful than Broadchurch, I think. You’ll love it. xD

        I didn’t feel as if the world was explained at all, we were just thrown in the middle of it. Sometimes that works, but in this case I kept wishing that I knew more about everything. Where did the birthday messages from the future come from? Maybe I missed it because I really wanted to finish the book that day, lol.

  • A Darker Shade of Magic and This Savage Song is on my reading list. Can’t wait to read them soon :-)

  • Oooh, that is an amazing reading month you had!! I honestly had mostly slack reads. ? I don’t know if I’m still on an ACOL hangover or if just nothing is impressing me much this year??? SADNESS. However I am enjoying Strange the Dreamer. ?
    Also I need to catch up on GoT.
    And those photos are all the pretty!!

    • Not reading much/any YA does the trick :P
      But at least you’re enjoying Strange the Dreamer! I felt kinda meh about it.
      Thaaanks <3

  • It took until May for my first 3-star read and I’m kinda sad but also impressed with myself haha.

    I have so many shows that I need to binge already but don’t for some reason.

    I considered watching Beauty and the Beast but then I was like nah, totally not for me either. Also, Beast doesn’t really look all that beastly to me, just animal-ish haha.

    Oh, I think She Is We is one of those artists that I always want to listen more songs by but never get around to doing so. I’ve only listened to Monster yet. I’m hoping for better singles than Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy, though.

    • okay, that’s impressive AF. The fact that the few 2/3-star books I read this year were almost all YA convinces me even more to just stay away from those.

      YES, LIKE HAIKYUU! For me it’s all about being lazy rn, because it’s always switching between shows VS my laziness and laziness clearly wins so I binge watch instead.

      Have you seen the guy as not-beast though? So fucking ugly XD I liked him more as the Beast.

      I felt so stupid when I realized I had already saved Monster but never listened to any other singles before.
      That new FOB single is so weird, like the refrain is kinda disturbing!? Not sure what’s going on there LOL

      • Probably a good call. I’ve only just started reading YA this year but they’re the trusty ones so haven’t had a bad reading experience yet.

        I wish my mind worked like that because I find binge watching so much work sometimes and find it easier to switch between shows. I’m weird like that.

        Haha I only saw him dressed for the green screen which definitely didn’t improve his looks. XD

        It’s impossible to remember to listen to all the songs we mean to. Sometimes I queue them up on Spotify to listen to later and then Spotify deletes them ugh (and when it doesn’t I’m not in the mood to listen to those).
        LOL yeah, no idea what’s going on in like half of that song.

May 01, 2017