All About Books

Recap 2018: The month that was January

stack of books

I don’t know if it’s just me wanting winter to be over so damn bad that time seems to go by slower, but compared to the previous months, January felt quite long. And I would have been more than happy with that if it weren’t for the weather. Constant darkness and rain aside, I had quite a great start into the new year and really hope the rest of the year will be able to keep up with the awesome books I already read.

All them BOOKS

Apparently setting myself a daily goal of pages I want to get to really helped in me not getting distracted by social media all the damn time and get a lot of reading done instead. It also helped that I kept my movie and TV show watch to a minimum that still feels unreal.

Books read

A Darker Shade of Magic* (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab 
The Last Mortal Bond* (The Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne #3) by Brian Staveley 
Everything All At Once* by Katrina Leno 
Shadow Sun Seven (The Starfire #2) by Spencer Ellsworth 
The Thirteen Problems (Miss Marple #2) by Agatha Christie 
The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth #3) by N.K. Jemisin 
A Gathering of Shadows* (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab 
Assassin’s Quest (Farseer Trilogy #3) by Robin Hobb 
Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children #3) by Seanan McGuire 
Saga Vol.8 by Brian K. Vaughan 
Join by Steve Toutonghi 
She Still Loves the Dragon by Elizabeth Bear 
The Only Harmless Great Thing by Brooke Bolander 
Red Rising* (Red Rising #1) by Pierce Brown 
Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno 


I’m SO angry at that one novella that totally ruined my perfect reading month. At least it’s easy to forget about it, thanks to my new favorite, Summer of Salt, that came after. 

books bought

I might have maybe gone a little overboard in January. MAYBE. Zero excuses, just starting 2018 with a bang. Also: my Agatha Christie collection is SLOWLY coming together and I couldn’t be more happy. There is still hope to actually complete it one day!

The Clocks (Hercule Poirot #37) by Agatha Christie
Miss Marple’s Final Cases (Miss Marple #14) by Agatha Christie
The Freeze-Frame Revolution by Peter Watts
Memory’s Blade (The Starfire #3) by Spencer Ellsworth
Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno
Rolling in the Deep (Rolling in the Deep #0.5) by Mira Grant
Batman: Nightwalker (DC Icons #2) by Marie Lu
Failure to Communicate (Xandri Corelel #1) by Kaia Sønderby
Zero Sum Game (Russell’s Attic #1) by S.L. Huang
Half Life (Russell’s Attic #2) by S.L. Huang
Root of Unity (Russell’s Attic #3) by S.L. Huang
Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep #1) by Mira Grant
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
Side Life by Steve Toutonghi
A Murder Is Announced (Miss Marple #5) by Agatha Christie
The Only Harmless Great Thing by Brooke Bolander
Golden Son* (Red Rising #2) by Pierce Brown
Morning Star* (Red Rising #3) by Pierce Brown
Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children #3) by Seanan McGuire
The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton
Original Sin: Thor & Loki: Agent of Asgard – The Tenth Realm by Jason Aaron, Al Ewing
Generations: Ms. Marvel & Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson
Paper Girls #18 by Brian K. Vaughan
The Wicked + The Divine Christmas Annual #1 by Kieron Gillen
Saga Vol.8 by Brian K. Vaughan
Third Girl (Hercule Poirot #38) by Agatha Christie
Super Sons Vol.1: When I Grow Up by Peter J. Tomasi
Raven Stratagem (Machineries of the Empire #2) by Yoon Ha Lee
Red Rising* (Red Rising #1) by Pierce Brown
The Knife of Never Letting Go* (Chaos Walking #1) by Patrick Ness
The Ask and the Answer* (Chaos Walking #2) by Patrick Ness
Monster of Men* (Chaos Walking #3) by Patrick Ness

*new edition/audiobook

All them TV shows

I’ve been watching so few TV shows, and mostly on Netflix, that I keep forgetting to log into to keep track of what I watched, oops. So I have no idea if this list is complete but it covers the most important ones.

The Flash S4 – this season is still killing me on a weekly basis and I hate love the current situation and couldn’t be more excited about things to come

Agents of Shield S5 – AoS is still killing it or me, especially when it comes to Fitzsimmons! I love this season so much.

One Day At A Time S2 – This show is so damn real, I love it so much! This show deserves way more attention

Star Trek: Discovery S1: my first time watching ST and I really like it! Not sure if I want to watch the old stuff now though

All them songs

I went back to obsessing over Gjan in January so I feel like I barely listened to anything else but my monthly playlist did get quite long after all.

How was January for you? Read any good books?

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  • I’m really curious about Star Trek Discovery but it is reading or watching things and reading just keeps trumping watching things, haha. You hauled so much and read such great books. It sounds like a great reading month.

  • I’m so curious to hear why you didn’t like the Bolander novella. I really want to read it but now I’m worried?

    • It just went completely over my head. It definitely not your average writing style and I was mostly confused and didn’t feel anything.

  • Wow, you really did start the year off with a lot of new books, haha. I’m a bit jealous of your Agatha Christie collection.

    I read quite a few great books in January. Enough that I can’t pick just one favorite!

  • January definitely felt too long! I loved all the viral tweets I came across about it haha

    Setting a page goal is a great idea! I’m so way behind on my daily page goal than I want to be. I’m definitely gonna save The Only Harmless Great Thing for a month where I don’t get to read a lot of good books, ha.

    I can’t wait to get the new Chaos Walking editions :heart eyes:

    • LOL I actually don’t understand all the complaining! I loved that a month finally didn’t feel like it was flying by.

      I also calculated how many pages that would make over the year and it was kinda depressing LOL Looking at all the books I want to read, I would have to read twice as much XD

Feb 04, 2018