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Recap: June 2014


I usually did random recap posts (Flashbacks) but forgot about them all the time because I can’t put them in my calendar. They turned out to be recaps of at least four weeks so I decided to go back to monthly recaps which I haven’t done in a really long time.

Books I read:

June started off really good and I read a lot of amazing books but then I got stuck in a reading slump (still am). I’m just going to blame The Girl of Fire and Thorns! :P I really don’t get why so many people love that series. At least I also read a new favorite this month: The Martian. That book was HILARIOUS!
Now I just hope that I get over that slump real quick before I’m too busy with studying and get to read all the awesome books I have on my list for July. 

Books I got:

Check out my June book haul

Books I reviewed:


Even though the end of June was not that great, overall it was a great month. It was over way too fast though. I wouldn’t mind if July lasts a bit longer and brings some awesome books with it.

How did June go for you? Read any amazing books?

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  • Sad :( I absolutely love Girl of fire and thorns, but reading is always so personal and I can definitely see why people don’t like it. I see a lot of books you did enjoy, Alias Hook! I will be reading that one soon. My June was pretty good thanks to all the rereading. My wrap up will be up tomorrow :)

    Happy reading in July!

    • I was sad that I didn’t like it too! I wanted to love it (especially cause I can see that Hector will get even more interesting :D) but it just wasn’t for me.

      • He will be. Oh yes, my precious Hector :D Haha. What did you dislike? Let me take a guess: Elisa and/or the faith aspect? Because those are the two things everyone seems to be bothered with if they disliked the book, haha.

      • YES, exactly! :D I just don’t like things like “I might die but that’s what God wants”. AND I hated that the only character I REALLY liked died. THAT WAS NOT OKAY!

      • Haha, I was not okay with that either! But Hector did make up for it. I must admit that it bothered me a little too, that Elisa thought so easy about sacrificing herself. She does grow more in the series :) But, understandable you didn’t like that!

  • Fotos, wo sind die Fotos? :)

  • Echt bemerkenswert wie viele 5-Sterne-Bücher du dabei hast, bei den Reviews macht nur das lahme Hannibal-Buch den schönen Schnitt kaputt :D

    Und diesen Monat schon wieder schön 6 neue Reihen angefangen ;P

    • Das sieht bei mir fast immer so aus. Hatte dieses Jahr schon Monate die waren sogar noch besser in der Durchschnittswertung :D

      Könnten sogar 7 sein, bei der einen bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher XD Aber eine davon hab ich auch gleich wieder abgebrochen^^

  • Oh wow, you’re pretty much the first person I’ve come across who didn’t love The Girl of Fire and Thorns. I do plan to read the trilogy (probably next year), so we’ll see how I like it.

    Gah, I badly need to start a Brandon Sanderson book. I’ve planned to read Steelheart in November, though.

    I hope I read 8 or so books this month because I need to read more awesome books. Heh.

Jun 30, 2014