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Best of January 2016


I’ve done all kinds of recaps before and always ended up not doing them anymore because after some time I didn’t like them anymore. Every single month I thought about how to start doing monthly recaps again but I was lacking ideas on how to set it up and then it was too late to write them anyway. Somehow my own recaps always seemed so boring compared to others. 
A new year always comes with a burst of motivation though, so here I am again, doing a monthly recap. This time I thought about only focusing on the positive and lists all kinds of favorite things of the month, meaning I will not only included books, but also other things, which is a first for me, so I’ll have to experiment a little with what I want to include.

Favorite Reads

January was such a great reading month for me. I mostly re-read books as you can see in my recap of my January re-reads but I also read a few new to me stories which were just as amazing.

  • The Drowning Eyes by Emily Foster
    Sadly, this is only a novella but it’s SO GOOD! I hope we get to read a full length novel by Emily Foster soon.
  • Academ’s Fury (Codex Alera #2) by Jim Butcher
    I was surprised how much I loved this book because the first one in the series was only an okay read for me. This one though: I couldn’t put it down! I now have an OTP to ship and the friendships are amazing too.

January was such a quiet months in terms of new releases and I only waited for The Bands of Mornings which made it possible to re-read so many books.

Favorite Blog Posts Elsewhere:

I always love when other people collect note worthy blog posts so I thought I would start this too. As I only just thought about doing it, the list of blog posts is quite short this time.

Favorite Songs

As I constantly listen to music, especially while reading too, I thought to make this part of my recap too. I love browsing for new to me songs (too bad Spotify’s Monday list for me almost always sucks) and recs are always welcome. My most listened to/liked songs (some old, some new) this months were:

Favorite shows and movies

  • Suits is back and I loved how big a mess they are currently in
  • Criminal Minds is back as well, Reid included *throws confetti*
  • I rewatched episode 3×08 of Agents of SHIELD with Maraia. One word: FEELS
  • I rewatched Season 1 and 2 of Sherlock. I didn’t like season 3 and I thought I fell out of love with the show but the Christmas special was great and made me want to re-watch the old episodes
  • I finally (binge)watched Firefly and it was the best worst decision ever. So good but one season isn’t nearly enough
  • I also binge watched Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries which is SO GOOD. And the very last episode was just SFGHSDGFHGSDJH

Favorite Moments

  • Opening a letter from the super-amazing-too-good-for-this-world Maraia and finding one of V.E. Schwab’s exclusive Rhy cards
  • I started the audiobook of The Scorpio Races and I’m enjoying it a lot. Yes, I list this as a special moment because I’ve never actually finished an audiobook before but I’m 100% sure I’ll finish this one (“finish” because I’ve started one once before in…. 2013 maybe, and I still haven’t finished it)

How was January for you? Read any good books?

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  • Yay for doing recaps again and also for including non-bookish stuff!

    I haven’t made it past episode 2 of Firefly yet because somehow I got distracted by other things when I started watching it but I really need to continue soon. I admit that 2 episodes maybe weren’t enough to get used to Nathan not playing Richard Castle xD

    Also this is a good reminder to continue my re-watch of Criminal Minds to finally be able to watch the new episodes but I think I’m somewhere in the middle of season 2 so there’s still a looooong way to go :D

    And I can’t believe you didn’t list Sharknado 1+2 plus that other stupid shark movie under “favorite movies” XD

  • I love this type of recap post! I love seeing your top picks (fantasy or otherwise) for the month, but its cool to see the other interests that book bloggers have too. I haven’t read anything by Jim Butcher yet, but thinking on that, I should probably add a book to my TBR.

    • Oh yeah, speaking of January reads – I’m completely absorbed with Mistborn, after months and months of procrastination. I still have books to read for uni, but I’m looking forward to slowly progressing through the series! There are like 7/8 books right? More maybe?! O_O

  • Yay for recaps! I like that Sana and Sebastian include what they watch, so I’m glad you’re adding that. And I’m trying to listen to music this year, so I’m also happy you included your playlist. I’m listening now. :)

    I’m so excited to read Drowning Eyes. Hopefully I will get to it in the next week or two so we can talk about it before you forget everything, haha.

    I really liked that Bookstagram series. I immediately downloaded the Aviary app you recommended and it’s so much nicer than either Instagram or PicMonkey. That’s part of what made me decide maybe I should start a new Instagram account. Well, that and the fact that I have a couple pictures of ADSOM and the Rhy card I want to post, haha.

    I haven’t watched any more episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. since that one, I’m still trying to recover. I think I’m ready, though. I REALLY need to start watching Criminal Minds, it’s been on my list for years now.

    • Do you have Spotify too???

      Yes, read it soon! It might have been short but I’m sure I’ve forgotten things again soon XD

      AAAAH, not I want you to start that IG account even more, when ADSOM pictures are coming right away :D

      • Yes, and I’m even using it! I’m also following you. :P

        I have the account, I just need to figure out what hasthtags to use (I always ignore them since they’re useless with a private account) and then actually post something. XD

  • Ahh, I hope you like this format and end up sticking to it. I definitely do! =D

    I gave on Spotify’s Monday playlists after a couple of tries. My music taste seems to be too random for it to work for me, haha.

    Now I don’t feel so bad about not catching up on Sherlock yet because of how you don’t like season 3. I do want to continue Criminal Minds, maybe I can do that along with Doctor Who.


    Fingers crossed for the audiobook experience!

    • Thanks! Right now I love it too. Let’s see how long that lasts haha

      I feel like those Monday lists would be a lot better if you could actually tell Spotify which songs you liked and which you didn’t but this way they all just go to your history and will be included for the calculations for the next one.

      How far are you with Sherlock?

      Ha! I got really excited when I saw you got to be one of the whatever-she-called-them for the read-along so you get one! We both really deserve one I would say! :P

      • Please let this last, blog gods. Haha.

        Ah, yeah. It’s not like we only use Spotify to listen to favorite songs. But I think they might put music on the back-burner since they’re in the middle of expanding and bringing in podcasts and shows.

        Only ever watched the pilot of Sherlock. My problem is that I treat it like a movie since the episodes are 1 hour and 30 minutes long each and then cannot find the motivation to watch them.

        I don’t think we missed any Schwab tweet that mentioned the Rhy card. =D And I didn’t actually think I could ever get one, though. =P

  • I miss the feel of the early seasons of Sherlock :( But that special made me SO HAPPY and excited for the next series. Now I can’t wait! Series three wasn’t great, so I hope series four is better.

  • Yayyy! I love that you’re back to blogging more regularly again. You had such a drought going on here for months. Lol. So yes, it’s great to see you’re back and excited :D

    Also, thank you for linking up to my bookstagram posts ;)

  • Recaps are one of my favourite posts to read! I like the approach you’ve taken with all of your favourite things. I didn’t know Jim Butcher had a new series, looks like you enjoyed it!

  • Yay recaps! I personally enjoy reading recaps so I hope you continue to do them :) One day I will read Jim Butcher – his books sound interesting! I love when people collect interesting blog posts too! And yes, one season of Firefly is not nearly enough. But at least there is a movie! Which I (ashamedly) haven’t seen yet. I need to get on that!

Feb 01, 2016